- 中国土地房屋与建筑行业法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (十八) 严格执行农村一户一宅政策。 ?(18) The policy that one rural household can own one piece of land for building house shall be implemented strictly.
- (二十) 完善建设项目竣工验收制度。 ?(20) The system of completion-based checking and acceptance of construction project shall be perfected.
- (二十一) 加强各类土地变化状况的监测。 ?(21) The Monitoring of all kinds of land change shall be strengthened.
- (三) 从严控制城市用地规模。 ?(3) The size of urban land shall be controlled strictly.
- (四) 严格土地使用标准。要健全各类建设用地标准体系,抓紧编制公共设施和公益事业建设用地标准。 ?(4) The standards of land-use shall be controlled strictly. All kinds of standards system of construction land shall be perfected. Standards of construction land of public facilities and public welfare shall be compiled timely.
- (八) 鼓励开发利用地上地下空间。对现有工业用地,在符合规划、不改变用途的前提下,提高土地利用率和增加容积率的,不再增收土地价款; ?(8) The development and utilization of the land and underground spaces shall be encouraged. Should the raising of the land use rate and floor area ratio of the existing industry land conforms to the plans and doesn't change the use of land, the price of land shall not be raised.
- 要加强建设用地税收征管,抓紧研究各类建设用地的财税政策。 ?Tax collection and management of land for construction purposes shall be reinforced. Finance and taxation policies of all kinds of land for construction purposes shall be studied timely.
- 工业用地和商业、旅游、娱乐、商品住宅等经营性用地(包括配套的办公、科研、培训等用地),以及同一宗土地有两个以上意向用地者的,都必须实行招标拍卖挂牌等方式公开出让。 ?The assignment of industrial land, profit-oriented land, such as the land for construction of commercial, tourist, recreational facilities and commodity house, (including the land for supporting office, research and training facilities) shall be implemented by means of public bidding, auction or hanging out a shingle.
- 农民住宅建设要符合镇规划、乡规划和村庄规划,住宅建设用地要先行安排利用村内空闲地、闲置宅基地。 ?The construction of farmers' houses shall conform to the planning of town, planning of township and planning of village. During the process of the housing construction, the idle land plot and idle house sites shall be gave priority to utilize.
- 今后各项建设要优先开发利用空闲、废弃、闲置和低效利用的土地,努力提高建设用地利用效率。 ?The exploitation and utilization of open spaces, discarded land, idle land plots and inefficient utilization land shall be given priority during various construction projects to strive to improve the utilization efficiency of land used for construction purposes.
- 对新增工业用地,要进一步提高工业用地控制指标,厂房建筑面积高于容积率控制指标的部分,不再增收土地价款。 ?The industry land control indexes of the newly added industry land shall be elevated still further. Should the building area of workshop exceed the standards of floor area ratio the price of land shall not be raised.
- 实行上一级人民政府对下一级人民政府分级考核,考核结果由国土资源部门定期公布,作为下达土地利用年度计划的依据。 ?The people's government shall be evaluated and examined by the people's government at the next higher level. The result of the evaluation and examination, as the basis of making annual plans for land use, shall be opened by the departments of land and resources regularly.
- 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构: ?The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and all the ministries and commissions and directly affiliated institutions under the State Council:
- 严禁规划建设脱离实际需要的宽马路、大广场和绿化带。 ?The planning and construction of wide street, big square and green belt without taking into account the practical need shall be prohibited.
- 今后,要严格落实被损毁土地的复垦责任,在批准建设用地或发放采矿权许可证时,责任单位应依法及时足额缴纳土地复垦费。 ?The responsibility of land reclamation of the destructed land shall be implemented strictly in future. Before relevant departments approve the land utilization for construction purposes and issue the mining license, land reclamation fees shall be paid by the responsible units in full timely according to law.
- 合理确定出让土地的宗地规模,督促及时开发利用,形成有效供给,确保节约集约利用每宗土地。 ?The scale of the assigned land shall be determined rationally to supervise and urge the development and utilization in time, shape effective supply and ensure the economical and intensive utilization of each land.
- 要将建设项目依法用地和履行土地出让合同、划拨决定书的情况,作为建设项目竣工验收的一项内容。 ?The situation of land utilization and performance of contract of assignment and the form of decision for al[] shall be checked as part of completion-based checking and acceptance of construction project.
- 国务院 ?The State Council
- 国家每年选择若干个省级行政区,进行全行政区域的土地利用状况监测。 ?The state may monitor the situation of land utilization in the whole administrative territory of certain provinces which are chosen.
- 要对土地出让合同、划拨决定书的执行实施全程监管,及时向社会公开供地计划、结果及实际开发利用情况等动态信息。 ?The whole course of implementation of the contract of assignment of land and the form of decision for allocating land shall be supervised. Land supply plan, results, actual situation of development and utilization and other dynamic information shall be opened to the public timely.
- 建筑工程的招标投标,本法没有规定的,适用有关招标投标法律的规定。 Tendering of and bidding for construction projects which is not covered by this law shall follow the relevant laws on tendering and bidding.
- 货币化安置款=四级地段空置商品住宅的平均售价×在四级地段安置应得的房屋建筑面积×80%。 The amount of money for each resettlement = Average selling price of unoccupied commodity residential house in Grade 4 locality x the architectural area required for resettlement in Grade 4 locality x 80%.
- 货币化安置款应当按照下列规定计算: The amount of money for each resettlement shall be computed according to the following provisions:
- 土地利用年度计划,根据国民经济和社会发展计划、国家产业政策、土地利用总体规划以及建设用地和土地利用的实际状况编制。土地利用年度计划的编制审批程序与土地利用总体规划的编制审批程序相同,一经审批下达,必须严格执行。 The annual plan for the land use shall be compiled in line with the national economic and social development program, the State industrial policies, general plans for land and the actual situation about the land for construction uses and the land utilization. The examination and approval procedures for the compilation of annual land use plans shall be the same as that for the general plans for land use. Once approved, they shall be implemented strictly.
- 农村村民出卖、出租住房后,再申请宅基地的,不予批准。 The application for housing land after selling or leasing houses shall not be approved.