- 中国土地房屋与建筑行业法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 征用城市郊区的菜地,用地单位应当按照国家有关规定缴纳新菜地开发建设基金。 In requisitioning vegetable fields in suburban areas, the units using the land should pay new vegetable field development and construction fund.
- 国务院根据社会、经济发展水平,在特殊情况下,可以提高征用耕地的土地补偿费和安置补助费的标准。 In special circumstances, the State Council may raise the standards for land compensation and resettlement fees for land requisitioned according to the social and economic development level.
- 《上海市城市房屋拆迁管理实施细则》与本办法不一致的,按照本办法执行。 In the event of any inconsistency between the present Procedures and the Implementation Rules of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Demolition and Re[] of Urban Houses, the present Procedures shall prevail.
- 房屋所有权转移、房屋现状变更或所有人国籍变更时,须到房屋所在地房管机关办理所有权转移或变更登记手续。 in the event that the ownership of a house is to be transferred, the present state of the houses is to be changed, or the owner's nationality has been changed, the house owner must go through the registration procedures for the transfer of the ownership, or for other changes, at the administrative department for real estate in the place where the said house is located.
- 中华人民共和国城镇国有土地使用权出让和转让暂行条例 Interim Regulations of PRC Concerning the Assignment and Transfer of the Right to the Use of the State-owned Land in the Urban Areas
- 禁止占用耕地建窑、建坟或者擅自在耕地上建房、挖砂、采石、采矿、取土等。 It is forbidden to build kilns, graves or houses on cultivated land or to dig sand, collect stones, do mining and carry soil away from cultivated land.
- 禁止毁坏森林、草原开垦耕地,禁止围湖造田和侵占江河滩地。 It is forbidden to destroy forests and grassland in the process of land reclamation. It is forbidden to carry out landfill of lakes and occupy beachland of rivers.
- 禁止侵占、挪用被征用土地单位的征地补偿费用和其他有关费用。 It is forbidden to embezzle or divert the land compensation fees and other related expenses.
- 禁止占用基本农田发展林果业和挖塘养鱼。 It is forbidden to occupy basic farmland to develop horticulture or dig ponds to breed fish.
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