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中国土地房屋与建筑行业法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


第八十五条中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业、外资企业使用土地的,适用本法;法律另有规定的,从其规定。    Article 85 This law applies to the use of land by Sino-foreign joint equity and cooperative ventures, and wholly foreign-owned enterprises. Whereas there are separate provisions by law, those provisions shall prevail.
第八十六条本法自1999年1月1日起施行。    Article 86 The law shall come into force starting from January 1, 1999.
第九条(货币化安置款的计算)    Article 9 (Computation of Monetized Resettlement Money)
第九条国有土地和农民集体所有的土地,可以依法确定给单位或者个人使用。使用土地的单位和个人,有保护、管理和合理利用土地的义务。    Article 9 Land owned by the State and land collectively owned by peasants may be allocated to be used by units or individuals according to law. Units or individuals using land shall be responsible for the protection, management and a rational use of the land.
第九条 外商投资建筑业企业申请晋升资质等级或者增加主项以外资质的,应当依照有关规定到建设行政主管部门办理相关手续。    Article 9 The application by a foreign-invested construction enterprise for upgrading its qualifications or adding additional qualifications in addition to major items shall be made to the relevant construction administration department in accordance with relevant regulations.
  第九条? 建设单位应当自领取施工许可证之日起三个月内开工。因故不能按期开工的,应当向发证机关申请延期;延期以两次为限,每次不超过三个月。既不开工又不申请延期或者超过延期时限的,施工许可证自行废止。    Article 9 Units in charge of construction should start to build the projects within three months since obtaining construction licenses.??If work cannot start on schedule, applications should be filed to the license issuing agencies for delay, which shall only be permitted twice in maximum for each case, each permission of delay covering a maximum period of three months. In cases of those projects that neither start on schedule nor apply for delay or exceed the period of permitted delay, the validity of the working licenses automatically expires.
  第九条 土地使用权的出让,由市、县人民政府负责,有计划、有步骤地进行。    Article 9. People's governments at the municipal and county levels shall be in charge of assigning the right to the use of the land, which shall be effected in a planned, step-by-step way.
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