房屋拆迁货币化安置协议签订后,拆迁人应当在协议约定的期限内,将货币化安置款按照同等分配比例,以被拆迁房屋各使用人的名义存入指定的银行,由银行分别开具购房存款单。 After the signing of the monetized resettlement agreement for demolition and re[] of the house, the party that is to demolish the house shall deposit in a designated bank the monetized resettlement money, which shall be divided in due proportion in the name of each of the users of the house to be demolished, within the time limit stipulated in the agreement, and the bank shall issue certificates of deposit for purchase of house separately to each of the users.房屋拆迁货币化安置协议签订后,被拆迁人应当在协议约定的期限内搬迁。 After the signing of the monetized resettlement agreement for demolition and re[] of the house, the residents of the specific house that is to be demolished shall move out within the time limit stipulated in the agreement. 土地使用权出让应当签订出让合同。 An assignment contract shall be signed for assigning the right to the use of the land.可以责令停业整顿,降低资质等级;情节严重的,吊销资质证书;有违法所得的,予以没收。 An order to suspend its business operation and to correct the wrongdoings may also be issued and its qualification certificate may be demoted. In serious situations, the qualification certificate shall be revoked and any proceeds illegally obtained shall be confiscated. 未取得资质证书承揽工程的,予以取缔,并处罚款;有违法所得的,予以没收。 An organization which contracts projects without a certificate of qualification shall be outlawed and imposed fine penalties, with all its illegal incomes confiscated. 超越本单位资质等级承揽工程的,责令停止违法行为,处以罚款,可以责令停业整顿,降低资质等级;情节严重的,吊销资质证书;有违法所得的,予以没收。 An organization which exceeds its level of qualification to contract projects shall be ordered to stop the illegal activities and imposed fine penalties, and can be ordered to stop business operations for rectification, with its qualification level reduced.??An organization found to have serious violations shall be revoked business license, with all its illegal incomes confiscated. 以欺骗手段取得资质证书的,吊销资质证书,处以罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 An organization which has obtained a certificate of qualification through cheating shall be revoked the certificate and imposed fine penalties, and shall be prosecuted for criminal liabilities according to law for any crimes committed.附:《刑法》有关条文 Appendix: Related articles in the Criminal Law:各省、自治区、直辖市划定的基本农田应当占本行政区域内耕地的百分之八十以上。 Areas of basic farmland demarcated by various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities should make up over 80% of the cultivated land within their administrative areas.第一条(目的和依据) Article 1 (Purpose and Basis)第一条为了加强土地管理,维护土地的社会主义公有制,保护、开发土地资源,合理利用土地,切实保护耕地,促进社会经济的可持续发展,根据宪法,制定本法。 Article 1 The law is formulated in compliance with the Constitution with a view to strengthening the administration of land, safeguarding the socialist public ownership of land, protecting and developing land resources, ensuring a rational use of and giving a real protection to cultivated land to promote sustainable development of the socialist economy.第一条 为进一步扩大对外开放,规范对外商投资建筑业企业的管理,根据《中华人民共和国建筑法》、《中华人民共和国招标投标法》、《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》、《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》、《中华人民共和国外资企业法》、《建设工程质量管理条例》等法律、行政法规,制定本规定。 Article 1 These Regulations hereof are formulated to further the opening up to the outside and standardise the administration of foreign-invested construction enterprises in accordance with such laws and regulations as the Construction Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Tendering and Bidding Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Sino-foreign Equity Joint Ventures, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Sino-Foreign Cooperative Joint Ventures, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises and the Regulations on Administration of Construction and Engineering Quality. 第一条? 为了加强对建筑活动的监督管理,维护建筑市场秩序,保证建筑工程的质量和安全,促进建筑业健康发展,制定本法。 Article 1 With a view to strengthening supervision and regulation of construction activities, maintaining construction market order, ensuring the quality and safety of construction projects and promoting the healthy development of construction industry, this law is hereby formulated.第一条 为了改革城镇国有土地使用制度,合理开发、利用、经营土地,加强土地管理,促进城市建设和经济发展,制定本条例。 Article 1. These Regulations are formulated in order to reform the system of using the State-owned land in the urban areas, rationally develop, utilize and manage the land, strengthen land administration and promote urban construction and economic development.第十条(安置方式的选择和限制) Article 10 (Choice of Ways of Resettlement and Restrictions Thereon)第十条 申请设立外商投资建筑业企业应当向对外贸易经济行政主管部门提交下列资料: Article 10 An applicant which intends to establish a foreign-invested construction enterprise shall submit the following documents to the relevant foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department: 第十条? 在建的建筑工程因故中止施工的,建设单位应当自中止施工之日起一个月内,向发证机关报告,并按照规定做好建筑工程的维护管理工作。 Article 10 For projects under construction that come to a halt due to some reasons, the constructing units should report to the license issuing agencies within one month from the stoppage of construction and should also well maintain and manage the construction projects in accordance with provisions.第十条农民集体所有的土地依法属于村农民集体所有的,由村集体经济组织或者村民委员会经营、管理;已经分别属于村内两个以上农村集体经济组织的农民集体所有的,由村内各该农村集体经济组织或者村民小组经营、管理;已经属于乡(镇)农民集体所有的,由乡(镇)农村集体经济组织经营、管理。 Article 10 In lands collectively owned by peasants those have been allocated to villagers for collective ownership according to law shall be operated and managed by village collective economic organizations or villagers' committee and those have allocated to two or more peasants collective economic organizations of a village, shall be operated and managed jointly by the collective economic organizations of the village or villagers' groups; and those have allocated to township (town) peasant collectives shall be operated and managed by the rural collective economic organizations of the township (town). 第十条 土地使用权出让的地块、用途、年限和其他条件,由市、县人民政府土地管理部门会同城市规划和建设管理部门、房产管理部门共同拟定方案,按照国务院规定的批准权限批准后,由土地管理部门实施。 Article 10. The land administration departments under the people's governments at the municipal and county levels shall, in conjunction with the administrative departments for urban planning and construction and the housing administration departments, draw up a plan concerning the size and location, the purposes, the term, and other conditions with respect to the assigning of the right to the use of the land. The plan shall be submitted for approval in accordance with the limits of authority for approval as stipulated by the State Council and shall then the implemented by the land administration departments.第十一条(货币化安置协议的签订) Article 11 (Signing of Monetized Resettlement Agreement) 第十一条? 按照国务院有关规定批准开工报告的建筑工程,因故不能按期开工或者中止施工的,应当及时向批准机关报告情况。因故不能按期开工超过六个月的,应当重新办理开工报告的批准手续。 Article 11 For construction projects with approval of work-start reports in light of the relevant provisions of the State Council which fail to start construction on schedule or suspend the construction work due to certain reasons, the constructors should report the cases timely to the approving authorities. If the period of non-start of work due to certain reasons exceeds six months, the constructors shall re-go through the formalities of approval for work-start reports.第十一条农民集体所有的土地,由县级人民政府登记造册,核发证书,确认所有权。 Article 11 People's government at the county level shall register and put on record lands collectively owned by peasants and issue certificates to certify the ownership concerned.第十一条 申请外商投资建筑业企业资质应当向建设行政主管部门提交下列资料: Article 11 The applicant applying for foreign-invested construction enterprise qualifications shall submit the following documents to the relevant construction administration department: 第十一条 土地使用权出让合同应当按照平等、自愿、有偿的原则,由市、县人民政府土地管理部门(以下简称出让方)与土地使用者签订。 Article 11. The contract for assigning the right to the sue of the land shall be signed by and between the land administration departments under the people's governments at the municipal and county levels (hereinafter referred to as ""the assigning party~) and the land users in accordance with the principle of equality, voluntariness and compensation for use.第十二条(货币化安置协议的履行) Article 12 (Performance of Monetized Resettlement Agreement)