第五十五条? 建筑工程实行总承包的,工程质量由工程总承包单位负责,总承包单位将建筑工程分包给其他单位的,应当对分包工程的质量与分包单位承担连带责任。分包单位应当接受总承包单位的质量管理。 Article 55 As to a construction project under an overall contract, the overall contractor is responsible for the quality of the project. If the overall contractor jobbed out to subcontractors, the overall contractor should assume responsibility with subcontractors for the quality of projects under subcontracts. Subcontractors shall subject themselves to the quality control of the overall contractor.第五十五条以出让等有偿使用方式取得国有土地使用权的建设单位,按照国务院规定的标准和办法,缴纳土地使用权出让金等土地有偿使用费和其他费用后,方可使用土地。 Article 55 Construction units that have obtained State-owned land by paid leasing can use the land only after paying the land use right leasing fees and other fees and expenses according to the standards and ways prescribed by the State Council.第五十六条建设单位使用国有土地的,应当按照土地使用权出让等有偿使用合同的约定或者土地使用权划拨批准文件的规定使用土地;确需改变该幅土地建设用途的,应当经有关人民政府土地行政主管部门同意,报原批准用地的人民政府批准。其中,在城市规划区内改变土地用途的,在报批前,应当先经有关城市规划行政主管部门同意。 Article 56 In using State-owned land, construction units should use the land according to the provisions of the contract for compensated use of leased land use right or according to the provisions of the documents of approval concerning the allocation of land use right. The change of the land to construction purposes should get the consent from the land administrative departments of the related people's governments and be submitted to the people's governments that originally give the approval for the use of land. In changing the purpose of land within the urban planned areas, the consent should be obtained form the related urban planning administrative departments before submission for approval. 第五十六条? 建筑工程的勘察、设计单位必须对其勘察、设计的质量负责。勘察、设计文件应当符合有关法律、行政法规的规定和建筑工程质量、安全标准、建筑工程勘察、设计技术规范以及合同的约定。设计文件选用的建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备,应当注明其规格、型号、性能等技术指标,其质量要求必须符合国家规定的标准。 Article 56 Survey and designing institutions shall be responsible for the survey and design quality of construction projects.??Survey and designing documents shall conform to the stipulations of relevant laws and administrative regulations, quality and safety standards on construction projects, survey and design technical codes on construction projects and contracted terms. The specification, model, function and other specifications of construction materials, structural parts, construction fittings and equipment chosen in design documents shall be specified in detail. Their quality must meet the standards set by the state. 第五十七条? 建筑设计单位对设计文件选用的建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备,不得指定生产厂、供应商。 Article 57 Designing institutions shall not designate manufacturers and suppliers of construction materials, structural parts, construction fittings and equipment chosen in design documents.第五十七条建设项目施工和地质勘查需要临时使用国有土地或者农民集体所有的土地的,由县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门批准。其中,在城市规划区内的临时用地,在报批前,应当先经有关城市规划行政主管部门同意。土地使用者应当根据土地权属,与有关土地行政主管部门或者农村集体经济组织、村民委员会签订临时使用土地合同,并按照合同的约定支付临时使用土地补偿费。 Article 57 In the case of temporary using State-owned land or land owned by peasant collectives by construction projects or geological survey teams, approval should be obtained from the land administrative departments of local people's governments at and above the county level. Whereas the land to be temporarily used is within the urban planned areas, the consent of the urban planning departments should be obtained before being submitted for approval. Land users should sign contracts for temporary use of land with related land administrative departments or rural collective organizations or villagers committees depending on the ownership of the land and pay land compensation fees for the temporary use of the land according to the standard specified in the contracts. 第五十八条? 建筑施工企业对工程的施工质量负责。 Article 58 Construction enterprises are responsible for the quality of construction projects.第五十八条有下列情形之一的,由有关人民政府土地行政主管部门报经原批准用地的人民政府或者有批准权的人民政府批准,可以收回国有土地使用权: Article 58 In one of the following cases, the land administrative departments of related people's governments shall recover the land use right of State-owned land with the approval of the people's governments that originally gives the approval or the people's governments with the power of approval: 第五十九条? 建筑施工企业必须按照工程设计要求、施工技术标准和合同的约定,对建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备进行检验,不合格的不得使用。 Article 59 Construction enterprises shall examine the quality of construction materials, structural parts, construction fittings and equipment in accordance with the requirement of the design of projects, construction technical standards and contracted terms. Those proved not up to the standards shall not be put into use.第五十九条乡镇企业、乡(镇)村公共设施、公益事业、农村村民住宅等乡(镇)村建设,应当按照村庄和集镇规划,合理布局,综合开发,配套建设;建设用地,应当符合乡(镇)土地利用总体规划和土地利用年度计划,并依照本法第四十四条、第六十条、第六十一条、第六十二条的规定办理审批手续。 Article 59 Construction of township enterprises, public facilities and public welfare undertakings of townships (towns) and rural villagers' houses should be rationally laid out according to the village or market town plans according to a comprehensive development plan, with good supporting facilities. Land used for construction purposes shall conform to the general plans for the utilization of land of townships (towns) and their annual plan for the use of land and the examination and approval procedures should be completed according to the provisions of Article 44, Article 60, Article 61 and Article 62 of this law.第六条(异地安置增加面积标准) Article 6 (Standard of Increase in Floor Area for Resettlement in a Different [])第六条 外商投资建筑业企业设立与资质的申请和审批,实行分级、分类管理。 Article 6 The application for and the examination and approval of the establishment of foreign-invested construction enterprises and their qualifications shall be managed by a grading and categorization system. 第六条? 国务院建设行政主管部门对全国的建筑活动实施统一监督管理。 Article 6 The competent construction administrative department under the State Council shall exercise unified supervision and regulation over construction activities of the whole country.第六条任何单位和个人都有遵守土地管理法律、法规的义务,并有权对违反土地管理法律、法规的行为提出检举和控告。 Article 6 Units or individuals shall all be obliged to abide by the laws and regulations concerning land administration and have the right to report or prosecute acts of violating land administration law and regulations. 第六条 县级以上人民政府土地管理部门依法对土地使用权的出让、转让、出租、抵押、终止进行监督检查。 Article 6. The land administrative departments under the people's governments at or above the county level shall conduct supervision and inspection, according to law, over the assignment, transfer, lease, mortgage and termination of the right to the use of the land.第六十条农村集体经济组织使用乡(镇)土地利用总体规划确定的建设用地兴办企业或者与其他单位、个人以土地使用权入股、联营等形式共同举办企业的,应当持有关批准文件,向县级以上地方人民政府土地行政主管部门提出申请,按照省、自治区、直辖市规定的批准权限,由县级以上地方人民政府批准;其中,涉及占用农用地的,依照本法第四十四条的规定办理审批手续。 Article 60 In using the land for construction purposes defined in the general plan for the utilization of land of townships (towns) to start up enterprises or joint ventures together with other units or individuals by way of using land use right as shares, the rural collective economic organization shall file an application with land administrative departments of the local people's governments at and above the county level on the strength of documents of approval. The applications shall be approved by the local people's governments at and above the country according to the terms of reference provided for by various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities whereas the use of land involving the occupation of agricultural land, the examination and approval procedures provided for in Article 44 of this law shall be followed. 第六十条? 建筑物在合理使用寿命内,必须确保地基基础工程和主体结构的质量。 Article 60 Within normal service life time of buildings, the quality of foundations and main parts of buildings shall be guaranteed. 第六十一条? 交付竣工验收的建筑工程,必须符合规定的建筑工程质量标准,有完整的工程技术经济资料和经签署的工程保修书,并具备国家规定的其他竣工条件。 Article 61 Construction projects having been completed and accepted through examination shall meet the stipulated quality standards on construction projects, have complete technical and economic data of projects and warranties issued by builders, and satisfy other requirements set out by the state for the completion of construction projects.第六十一条乡(镇)村公共设施、公益事业建设,需要使用土地的,经乡(镇)人民政府审核,向县级以上地方人民政府土地行政主管部门提出申请,按照省、自治区、直辖市规定的批准权限,由县级以上地方人民政府批准;其中,涉及占用农用地的,依照本法第四十四条的规定办理审批手续。 Article 61 In using land for building public facilities and public welfare facilities, townships (towns) shall file an application with land administrative departments of local people's governments at and above the county level after being examined by the township (town) people's governments at and the application shall be approved by the local people's governments at and above the county level according to the term of reference provided for by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. Where occupation of agricultural land is involved, the examination and approval procedures provided for in Article 44 of this law are required.第六十二条农村村民一户只能拥有一处宅基地,其宅基地的面积不得超过省、自治区、直辖市规定的标准。 Article 62 One rural household can own one piece of land for building house, with the area not exceeding the standards provided for by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. 第六十二条? 建筑工程实行质量保修制度。 Article 62 The system of the warranty of quality shall be established for construction projects. 第六十三条? 任何单位和个人对建筑工程的质量事故、质量缺陷都有权向建设行政主管部门或者其他有关部门进行检举、控告、投诉。 Article 63 Any unit and individual are entitled to report, accuse of and complain about the quality accidents and defects of construction projects to administrative authorities on construction and other departments concerned.第六十三条农民集体所有的土地的使用权不得出让、转让或者出租用于非农业建设;但是,符合土地利用总体规划并依法取得建设用地的企业,因破产、兼并等情形致使土地使用权依法发生转移的除外。 Article 63 The land use right of peasant collectives shall not be leased, transferred or rented for non-agricultural construction, except in the case of legal transfer of the land that conforms to the general plan for the utilization of land and legally obtained by enterprises due to bankruptcy or acquisition.第六十四条在土地利用总体规划制定前已建的不符合土地利用总体规划确定的用途的建筑物、构筑物,不得重建、扩建。 Article 64 Buildings or structures put up before the general plan for the utilization of land and unconformable to the general plans are not allowed to be rebuilt or expanded. 第六十四条? 违反本法规定,未取得施工许可证或者开工报告未经批准擅自施工的,责令改正,对不符合开工条件的责令停止施工,可以处以罚款。 Article 64 Construction enterprises, which act in violation of the stipulations of this Law to start construction operation without construction permit or at the time when the application for construction operation has not yet been approved, shall be ordered to correct themselves. Construction enterprises of which construction projects can not meet the requirement for starting operation shall be ordered to stop construction operation and may be imposed fine penalties.