第四十八条? 建筑施工企业必须为从事危险作业的职工办理意外伤害保险,支付保险费。 Article 48 Construction enterprises must give accident and casualty insurance to workers engaged in dangerous operations and pay insurance premium for them.第四十八条 依照本条例的规定取得土地使用权的个人,其土地使用权可以继承。 Article 48. The right to the use of the land may be inherited if it is acquired by individuals in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations. 第四十九条? 涉及建筑主体和承重结构变动的装修工程,建设单位应当在施工前委托原设计单位或者具有相应资质条件的设计单位提出设计方案;没有设计方案的,不得施工。 Article 49 As to a decoration project involving the change of the main part and bearing structure of the building, the unit undertaking the project shall entrust the original designing institution or other designing institutions of equivalent capability with the responsibility for drawing up the design scheme before the start of construction operation. The project shall not be started without a design scheme.第四十九条被征地的农村集体经济组织应当将征用土地的补偿费用的收支状况向本集体经济组织的成员公布,接受监督。 Article 49 Rural collective economic organizations shall make public to its members the receipts and expenditures of the land compensation fees for land requisitioned and accept their supervision.第四十九条 土地使用者应当依照国家税收法规的规定纳税。 Article 49. The land user shall pay tax in accordance with the provisions of the tax laws and regulations of the State.第五条(安置面积的计算标准) Article 5 (Standard for Computation of the Floor Area for Resettlement) 第五条? 从事建筑活动应当遵守法律、法规,不得损害社会公共利益和他人的合法权益。 任何单位和个人都不得妨碍和阻挠依法进行的建筑活动。 Article 5 Conduct of construction activities shall observe laws and regulations and should in no way undermine social and public interests as well as the legitimate interests of others.第五条 国务院对外贸易经济行政主管部门负责外商投资建筑业企业设立的管理工作;国务院建设行政主管部门负责外商投资建筑业企业资质的管理工作。 Article 5 The foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the State Council shall be responsible for the administration of the establishment of foreign-invested construction enterprises. The construction administration department of the State Council shall be responsible for the administration of the qualifications of foreign–invested construction enterprises.第五条国务院土地行政主管部门统一负责全国土地的管理和监督工作。 Article 5 The land administrative department of the State Council shall be unifiedly responsible for the administration and supervision of land in the whole country. 第五条 土地使用者开发、利用、经营土地的活动,应当遵守国家法律、法规的规定,并不得损害社会公共利益。 Article 5. Users of the land shall, in their activities to develop, utilize and manage the land, abide by the laws and regulations of the state and may not jeopardize the interests of the society and the public. 第五十条? 房屋拆除应当由具备保证安全条件的建筑施工单位承担,由建筑施工单位负责人对安全负责。 Article 50 Demolition shall be taken by the construction enterprises being able to ensure safety. The heads of those enterprises are responsible for safety.第五十条地方各级人民政府应当支持被征地的农村集体经济组织和农民从事开发经营,兴办企业。 Article 50 Local people's governments at all levels shall support rural collective economic organizations and peasants in their efforts toward development and operations or in starting up enterprises. 第五十条 依照本条例收取的土地使用权出让金列入财政预算,作为专项基金管理,主要用于城市建设和土地开发。具体使用管理办法,由财政部另行制定。 Article 50. Fees collected by assigning the right to the use of the land in accordance with these Regulations shall be included in the fiscal budget and managed as a special fund, which shall be used mainly for urban construction and land development. The specific measures for the use and management of the fund shall be separately prescribed by the Ministry of Finance. 第五十一条? 施工中发生事故时,建筑施工企业应当采取紧急措施减少人员伤亡和事故损失,并按照国家有关规定及时向有关部门报告。 Article 51 If an accident occurred in the course of construction operation, construction enterprises shall take emergency measures to reduce casualties and losses resulting from the accident and immediately report to the departments concerned in accordance with relevant state regulations.第五十一条大中型水利、水电工程建设征用土地的补偿费标准和移民安置办法,由国务院另行规定。 Article 51 The standards for land compensation and method of resettlement for land requisitioned for building large and medium-sized water conservancy projects and hydroelectric power projects shall be determined separately by the State Council. 第五十一条 各盛自治区、直辖市人民政府应当根据本条例的规定和当地的实际情况选择部分条件比较成熟的城镇先行试点。 Article 51. The people's governments of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, in accordance with the Provisions of these Regulations and with the actual state of affairs in their respective localities, select as their pilot testing grounds some of the cities or towns where conditions are relatively ripe.第五十二条建设项目可行性研究论证时,土地行政主管部门可以根据土地利用总体规划、土地利用年度计划和建设用地标准,对建设用地有关事项进行审查,并提出意见。 Article 52 In the process of the feasibility study for construction projects, land administrative departments may examine the related matters concerning the land for construction purposes and put forward their proposals according to the general plans for the utilization of land, the annual plan for the use of land and standards for land used for construction purposes. 第五十二条? 建筑工程勘察、设计、施工的质量必须符合国家有关建筑工程安全标准的要求,具体管理办法由国务院规定。 Article 52 The survey, design and construction of a project must meet the requirement of relevant state safety standards on construction projects.??The specific administrative measures shall be stipulated by the State Council. 第五十二条 外商投资从事开发经营成片土地的,其土地使用权的管理依照国务院的有关规定执行。 Article 52. With respect to foreign investors engaging in developing and managing tracts of land, the administration of the right to the use of the land shall be effected in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State Council. 第五十三条? 国家对从事建筑活动的单位推行质量体系认证制度。从事建筑活动的单位根据自愿原则可以向国务院产品质量监督管理部门或者国务院产品质量监督管理部门授权的部门认可的认证机构申请质量体系认证。经认证合格的,由认证机构颁发质量体系认证证书。 Article 53 The state shall establish the quality certification system for units engaged in construction. On a voluntary basis, units engaged in construction may, when applying for quality certification, submit their applications to the certification institutions approved by the product quality control departments under the State Council and by other departments authorized by the product quality control departments under the State Council. If certified, the units engaged in construction shall be granted with Quality Certificates by the certification institutions.第五十三条经批准的建设项目需要使用国有建设用地的,建设单位应当持法律、行政法规规定的有关文件,向有批准权的县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门提出建设用地申请,经土地行政主管部门审查,报本级人民政府批准。 Article 53 Whereas a construction project approved needs land owned by the State for construction purposes, the construction unit should file an application with land administrative department of the people's government at and above the county level with the power of approval on the strength of related documents required by law and administrative decrees. The land administrative department shall examine the application and submit it to the people's government at the same level for approval. 第五十三条 本条例由国家土地管理局负责解释:实施办法由盛自治区、直辖市人民政府制定。 Article 53. The State Administration for Land Uses shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations; the measures for the implementation thereof shall be formulated by the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.第五十四条建设单位使用国有土地,应当以出让等有偿使用方式取得;但是,下列建设用地,经县级以上人民政府依法批准,可以以划拨方式取得: Article 54 A paid leasing should be go through in use of land owned by the State by a construction unit. But the following land may be obtained through government allocation with the approval of the people's governments at and above the county level according to law: 第五十四条? 建设单位不得以任何理由,要求建筑设计单位或者建筑施工企业在工程设计或者施工作业中,违反法律、行政法规和建筑工程质量、安全标准,降低工程质量。 Article 54 Units which are undertaking projects shall not, with any excuse, demand designing institutions or construction enterprises to act in violation of laws, administrative regulations and quality and safety standards on construction projects and lower the quality of projects in the course of design and construction operation. 第五十四条 本条例自发布之日起施行。 Article 54. These Regulations shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.