- 中国医疗行业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 卫生行政部门应当根据医疗机构设置规划、国家规定的医疗机构基本标准和本办法的有关规定,审批医疗机构的设置申请。 The Public Health Administrative Department shall, according to the Medical Institutions Establishment Program, the Basic Standard for Medical Institution stipulated by the State, and the related provisions of the present Procedures, examine and approve the application for establishing a medical institution.
- 《精神药品购用卡》由卫生部统一制定。 The Purchasing Card for Psychotropic Drugs shall be made solely by the Ministry of Public Health.
- 药物非临床研究质量管理规范、药物临床试验质量管理规范由国务院确定的部门制定。 The quality control standard for pharmaceutical non-clinical research and the quality control standard for pharmaceutical clinical test shall be formulated by the department appointed by the State Council.
- 配制的制剂必须按照规定进行质量检验;合格的,凭医师处方在本医疗机构使用。特殊情况下,经国务院或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府的药品监督管理部门批准,医疗机构配制的制剂可以在指定的医疗机构之间调剂使用。 The quality of the medicinal preparations made by medical organizations must be inspected in accordance with relevant regulations. Those preparations conforming to standard can be used as the doctor prescribes. Under special circumstances, with approval from the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative departments of the central government or of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, the medicinal preparations made by medical organizations can be shared among appointed medical organizations.
- 设立原料和制剂的专用仓库,并指定专人管理; The raw materials and the drugs must be kept in separate storage under the charge of person(s) specially appointed for the purpose.
- 上级红十字会指导下级红十字会工作。 The Red Cross Societies at higher levels shall direct the work of the Societies at lower levels.
- 红十字会对接受的境外捐赠款物,应当建立专项审查监督制度。 The Red Cross Society shall establish a special examination and supervision system for donations from abroad.
- 红十字会经费的来源和使用情况每年向红十字会理事会报告。 The Red Cross Society shall report to its Council every year on the sources and use of its funds.
- 红十字会的经费使用应当与其宗旨相一致。 The Red Cross Society shall use its funds in conformity with its aims.
- 注册商标必须在药品的包装和标签上注明。 The registered trademark must be clearly shown on the package and label of the drug.
- 医疗机构冠名管理规定,由市卫生行政部门另行制定。 The regulations on the name using control of medical institutions shall be separately formulated by the Municipal Public Health Administrative Department.
- 上款第(三)项出具的有关医学证明无效。 The relevant medical certificate as mentioned in item (3) of the preceding paragraph shall be null and void.
- "In the event any portion of this exclusion is found to be invalid or unenforceable the remainder shall remain in full force and effect."
- 评审结论应当作为《医疗机构执业许可证》校验的重要依据之一。 The result of the appraisal shall be one of the important criteria for examining the ""Practice License of Medical Institution"".
- 赔偿金额表 The Schedule of Benefits
- 未经考核合格的人员不得从事进口医疗器械的检验监管工作。 The staff without examination to be qualified shall not conduct the administration of inspection and supervision on imported medical instruments.
- 省、自治区人民代表大会常务委员会对民族自治地方执行前两款的规定,必要时可以作出变通的规定。 The standing committee of the people's congress of a province or an autonomous region may,while implementing the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs in national autonomous areas, make flexible provisions when necessary.
- 国务院可以根据情况,增加或者减少甲类传染病病种,并予公布;国务院卫生行政部门可以根据情况,增加或者减少乙类、丙类传染病病种,并予公布。 The State Council may, according to circumstances, increase or decrease the number of A Class infectious diseases and make corresponding announcements; the health administration department under the State Council may, according to circumstances, increase or decrease the number of B Class and C Class infectious diseases and make corresponding announcements.
- 国家鼓励临床用血新技术的研究和推广。 The State encourages research and extension of new technologies in clinical blood use.
- 国家提倡十八周岁至五十五周岁的健康公民自愿献血。 The State encourages voluntary blood donation by healthy citizens between ages 18 and 55.
- 国家保护野生药材资源 鼓励培育中药材。 The State safeguards resources of uncultivated medicinal materials and encourages the cultivation of raw materials used for traditional Chinese medicines.
- 国家对儿童实行预防接种证制度。 The state shall practise a system by which certificates are issued to children who have received prophylactic vaccination.
- 国家保护野生药材资源,鼓励培育中药材。 The State shall protect the resources of wild medicinal resources and encourage the domestic cultivation of Chinese traditional medicinal crops.
- 国家对边远贫困地区的母婴保健事业给予扶持。 The State shall support and assist the maternal and infant health care undertakings in outlying and poverty-stricken areas.
- 急诊留观病历卡的保存期不得少于1年;住院病历卡的保存期不得少于30年。 The storage period of medical record cards of emergency patients staying for observation shall not be less than one year. And the storage period of medical record cards of inpatients shall not be less than thirty years.