

(一)向检验检疫机构发布风险警示通报,加强对缺陷产品制造商生产的和进口单位进口的医疗器械的检验监管;    (1) releasing the risk warning bulletin to the IQ organs, and intensifying the inspection supervision on the medical instruments as produced by the defective product producers and imported by the importers;
(一)限制或者停止集市、集会、影剧院演出或者其他人群聚集的活动;    (1) restricting or suspending fairs, assemblies, cinema shows, theatrical performances and other types of mass congregation;
(十一)发生自然灾害、传染病流行、突发重大伤亡事故以及其他严重威胁人民生命健康的紧急情况时,不服从卫生行政部门调遣的;    (11) refusing to accept assignments by the administrative department of health at the time of the occurrence of a natural disaster, the spreading of an infectious disease, the occurrence of an unexpected heavy casualty or other emergencies seriously threatening the people’s lives and health; or
(二)拒绝按照卫生防疫机构提出的卫生要求,对传染病病原体污染的污水、污物、粪便进行消毒处理的;    (2) refusal to give disinfection treatment, according to the sanitary requirements proposed by a health and anti-epidemic agency, to sewage, wastes and feces contaminated with the pathogen of infectious diseases;
(二)向缺陷产品的制造商、进口单位发布风险警示通告,敦促其及时采取措施,消除风险;    (2) releasing the risk warning bulletin to the producers and importers of the defective products, and pressing them to take relevant measures to avoid the risks in a timely manner;
(三)国务院药品监督管理部门审批注册的进口医疗器械注册证书;    (3) Registration certificate of imported medical instruments as examined, approved and registered by the administrative authority of drug supervision of the State Council; and
(三)向消费者和使用单位发布风险警示通告,提醒其注意缺陷进口医疗器械的风险和危害;    (3) releasing the risk warning bulletin to the consumers and users, and giving them a warning of the risks and troubles of the defective imported medical instruments; and
(三)有关精神病。    (3) relevant mental diseases.
(三)对进口医疗器械实施风险预警及快速反应管理。    (3) risk warning and fast response management of the imported medical instruments.
(四)拒绝执行卫生防疫机构依照本法提出的其他预防、控制措施的。    (4) refusal to execute other preventive and control measures proposed by the health and anti-epidemic agencies according to this Law.
(四)向国内有关部门、有关国家和地区驻华使馆或者联络处、有关国际组织和机构通报情况,建议其采取必要的措施。    (4) reporting relevant information to the related domestic authorities, China embassies or liaison offices in relevant countries and regions, and to relevant international organizations and institutions, and proposing necessary measures.
各级红十字会依法参与、推动献血工作。    Red Cross Societies at all levels shall participate in and promote the blood donation work in accordance with law.
对已确认发生严重不良反应的药品,国务院或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府的药品监督管理部门可以采取停止生产、销售、使用的紧急控制措施,并应当在五日内组织鉴定,自鉴定结论作出之日起十五日内依法作出行政处理决定。    Regarding the pharmaceuticals which have been confirmed to cause serious adverse reactions, the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative department under the State Council and of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, shall take urgent control measures including the cessation of the production, sale, and use of the pharmaceuticals, shall organize appraisals within five days, and shall make decisions on their administrative handling within 15 days from the conclusion date of the appraisals.
中药品种保护条例    Regulations on Protection of Traditional Chinese Medicines
有关精神病,是指精神分裂症、躁狂抑郁型精神病以及其他重型精神病。    Relevant mental diseasesó refer to schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis and other mental diseases of a serious nature; and
注意 :    Remarks :
遗体或骨灰送返香港    Repatriation Of Mortal Remains/Ashes To Hong Kong
出院后返香港    Repatriation To Hong Kong After Treatment
安排幼童返香港(年龄为十六岁以下)    Return of Unattended Dependent Child(ren) to Hong Kong(Age below 16)
第六十八条 药品监督管理部门应当按照规定,依据《药品生产质量管理规范》、《药品经营质量管理规范》,对经其认证合格的药品生产企业、药品经营企业进行认证后的跟踪检查。    rticle 68 Pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative departments shall follow up on the inspections of the pharmaceutical producing enterprises or pharmaceutical trading enterprises which they have certified in conformity with the ""Quality Control Standard of Pharmaceutical Production"" and the ""Quality Control Standard of Pharmaceutical Trade.""
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