(一)在执业活动中,医德高尚,事迹突出的; (1) where a doctor shows noble character and has made outstanding achievements in his practice of medicine;(一)不具有完全民事行为能力的; (1) where a person has not full capacity for civil conduct;(一)死亡或者被宣告失踪的; (1) where the doctor dies or is declared as missing;(一)国务院药品监督管理部门规定禁止使用的; (1) Where the use of the medicine has been prohibited by the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative department under the State Council;(一)在注册的执业范围内,进行医学诊查、疾病调查、医学处置、出具相应的医学证明文件,选择合理的医疗、预防、保健方案; (1) within the registered scope of business, making medical diagnosis, diseases examination and medical prescription, providing the relevant medical certifications and selecting reasonable plans for medical treatment, prevention or health care;(二)对医学专业技术有重大突破,作出显著贡献的; (2) where a doctor has made an important breakout in medical professional skills and thereby made remarkable contributions;(二)受刑事处罚的; (2) where the doctor is sentenced to criminal punishment;(二)依照本法必须批准而未经批准生产、进口,或者依照本法必须检验而未经检验即销售的; (2) Where the medicine is produced and imported without an approval dictated according to this Law, or the medicine is sold without being inspected as dictated according to this Law;(二)因受刑事处罚,自刑罚执行完毕之日起至申请注册之日止不满二年的; (2) where, for a person having been sentenced to criminal punishment, it is not more than two years from the date of the end of the punishment to the date of applying for registration;(三)遇有自然灾害、传染病流行、突发重大伤亡事故及其他严重威胁人民生命健康的紧急情况时,救死扶伤、抢救诊疗表现突出的; (3) where a doctor has behaved exceedingly well to heal the wounded and rescue the dying, make diagnosis and give emergency treatment at the time of the occurrence of a natural disaster, the spreading of an infectious disease, the occurrence of an unexpected heavy casualty or other emergencies seriously threatening the people’s lives and health;(三)受吊销医师执业证书行政处罚的; (3) where the doctor is imposed administrative punishment by which his practicing certificate of doctors is revoked;(三)变质的; (3) Where the medicine has deteriorated; or(三)受吊销医师执业证书行政处罚,自处罚决定之日起至申请注册之日止不满二年的; (3) where, for a person having been imposed administrative punishment by which his practicing certificate of doctors was revoked, it is not more than two years from the date of the decision on the punishment to the date of applying for registration; or(四)长期在边远贫困地区、少数民族地区条件艰苦的基层单位努力工作的; (4) where a doctor has worked hard for a long time in a grass-roots unit with poor conditions of a remote and impoverished region or a minority nationality region; or(四)有国务院卫生行政部门规定不宜从事医疗、预防、保健业务的其他情形的。 (4) where other circumstances unsuitable for services of medical treatment, prevention or health care exist as prescribed by the administrative department of health under the State Council.(四)依照本法第三十一条规定暂停执业活动期满,再次考核仍不合格的; (4) where the doctor fails again in a new evaluation upon expiration of the period of time during which his practice is suspended according to the provisions of Article 31 of this Law;(四)被污染的; (4) Where the medicine has been contaminated;(四)未经亲自诊查、调查,签署诊断、治疗、流行病学等证明文件或者有关出生、死亡等证明文件的; (4) without diagnosis and examination personally, signing certifications of diagnosis, medical treatment and epidemiology or certifications regarding birth or death;(五)中止医师执业活动满二年的; (5) where the doctor has ceased his practice for at least two years; or(五)使用依照本法必须取得批准文号而未取得批准文号的原料药生产的; (5) Where the medicine has been produced with pharmaceutical materials without obtaining the dictated registration document of approval for the materials.(六)所标明的适应症或者功能主治超出规定范围的。 (6) Where the indications or the functions marked on the labels of the pharmaceuticals do not fall within the prescribed scope.(八)未经患者或者其家属同意,对患者进行实验性临床医疗的; (8) without the consent of a patient or his family members, giving experimental clinic treatment to the patient;(一)具有本市常住户口; 1. With permanent residential registration in Shanghai;(一)有《设置医疗机构批准书》; 1. With the ""Approval Certificate for the Establishment of Medical Institution"";(二)根据申请执业范围取得相应的医师或者护士执业资格后,从事同一专业临床工作5年以上; 2. With the professional qualifications as a doctor or nurse in conformity with the practising scope applied for and a clinical experience of five years or more in the same profession; and语际翻译 版权所有
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