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中国医疗行业法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


新药指我国未生产过的药品。    ""New drugs"" refers to those drugs which have never been produced in this country.
(四)对传染病病人、病原携带者、疑似传染病病人污染的场所、物品和密切接触的人员,实施必要的卫生处理和预防措施。    (4) Necessary sanitary disposal and preventive measures shall be applied to places and objects contaminated by patients, pathogen carriers and suspected patients of infectious diseases and persons in close contact with them.
(四)护理院(站);    (4) Nursing center (station); and
(三)非在职人员。    3. Non-in-service employee(s).
除正当诊断治疗外,不得使用麻醉药品、医疗用毒性药品、精神药品和放射性药品。    Narcotics, toxic drugs for medical use, psychotropic substances and radioactive drugs shall not be used except for proper diagnosis and treatment.
新闻媒介应当开展献血的社会公益性宣传。    News media shall conduct nonprofit publicity about blood donation in society.
其他任何单位和个人均不得经营。    No other unit or individual shall be allowed to engage in the trading of psychotropic drugs.
有下列情形之一的人员,不得申请设置医疗机构:    No person in any one of the following cases is permitted to apply for the establishment of a medical institution:
未经市卫生行政部门批准,非医疗机构不得组织医务人员开展医疗执业活动。    Non-medical institution shall not organize medical persons to carry out medical practising activities without approval by the Municipal Public Health Administrative Department.
除特殊需要外,第一类精神药品的处方,每次不超过三日常用量,第二类精神药品的处方,每次不超过七日常用量。处方应当留存两年备查。    Normally, a prescription for the psychotropic drugs of category I shall not exceed the therapeutically dosage for three days. A prescription for the psychotropic drugs of category II shall not exceed the therapeutically dosage for seven days. The prescriptions must be kept for two years for reference.
损失通知    Notification of Loss
在本保险单有效期间内,如被保险人在中国广东省境内发生确属本保险单应负责的外来明显意外事故,中国交通保险保险有限公司(以下简称“中国交通保险”)当按照后开保险条款或批文提供保障。    Now this Policy Witnesses that if during the Period of Insurance the Insured shall suffer bodily injury within the territory of Guangdong Province, P.R.C. resulting solely and directly from accident caused by violent external and visible means which shall be directly and independently of any other cause, then China Communications Insurance shall subject to the Terms, Conditions and Exceptions contained herein or endorsed hereon provide the Benefits to the extent specified in the Schedule.
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