(五)国务院卫生行政部门规定应当予以表彰或者奖励的其他情形的。 (5) under other circumstances where commendation or awards should be given as prescribed by the administrative department of health under the State Council.(六)有国务院卫生行政部门规定不宜从事医疗、预防、保健业务的其他情形的。 (6) under other circumstances unsuitable for services of medical treatment, prevention and health care as prescribed by the administrative department of health under the State Council.(六)使用未经批准使用的药品、消毒药剂和医疗器械的; (6) using medicines, disinfectants and medical instruments the use of which has not been approved;(九)使用无卫生许可证的消毒药剂、消毒器械或者一次性医疗卫生用品; 8. Using fake, inferior, expired, inefficacious or eliminated medicines;(十)泄露在医疗执业活动中知悉的病人隐私。 9. Using unlicensed disinfectants, disinfecting apparatus or non-reusable medical and sanitary articles; and 10. Revealing private secrets of a patient known through medical practising activities.表列第一项,身故必须在意外事故发生之日起12个月内造成者。 Under Item 1, Death must occur within 12 calendar months from the date of accident.特殊情况下,中药生产企业也可以直接向国家中药生产经营主管部门提出申请,由国家中药生产经营主管部门签署意见后转送国务院卫生行政部门,或者直接向国务院卫生行政部门提出申请。? Under specific conditions, enterprises engaged in the preparation of traditional Chinese medicines may submit its application directly to the health administrative departments under the State Council, or, submit its application through the responsible departments at the state level in charge of the preparation and managements of traditional Chinese medicines for written verification.暂停执业活动期满,再次进行考核,对考核合格的,允许其继续执业; Up expiration of the period of time for the suspending of practice, a new evaluation shall be made. Those who succeed in the new evaluation shall be permitted to resume their practice of medicine.倘若被保险人在意外事故中身亡,I.P.A. 将安排一切所需(包括任何迎合当地手续上的安排),并予支付 (i) 遗体或骨灰送返香港安葬,或 (ii) 应被保险人之继承人或其合法代表人要求,进行当地安葬;但当地安葬之费用只限相等于与遗体或骨灰送返香港之费用。 Upon the death of the Insured after an accident, I.P.A. will and make all the necessary arrangements (including any steps or arrangements necessary to meet local formalities) and pay for (i) the repatriation of the Insured’s mortal remains or ashes to Hong Kong, or (ii) at the request of the Insured’s heirs or legal representative, the local burial of the Insured, provided that the I.P.A.’s financial responsibility for such local burial shall be limited to the equivalent of the cost of repatriation of mortal remains as provided in this benefit.被保险人在接受第2.1条承保项目就医后,如身体状况稳定且经主诊医生及 I.P.A. 医疗小组认定可以返回香港时,I.P.A. 将安排被保险人乘搭定期班机返回香港。若被保险人持有回程机票,但因意外事故后不能使用时,被保险人应将原有机票交给 I.P.A. 人员处理,并由 I.P.A.安排机票或其它适当之交通工具返港,I.P.A. 将负担其费用,但此项返港机票以经济客位为限。被保险人若因医疗上的理由需要使用辅助设备(例如轮椅),I.P.A.将为被保险人安排及负责其费用。 Upon the discharge of the Insured from the local hospital where such Insured has been admitted or transferred as provided in Section 2.1 above, I.P.A. will arrange and pay for the repatriation of the Insured to Hong Kong by schedule airline flight (on economy class) or any other appropriate means of transportation, including any supplementary cost of transportation to and from the airport, if his original ticket is not valid for the purpose, provided that the Insured shall surrender any unused portion of his ticket to I.P.A. If, on medical ground, the Insured needs any supplemental equipment (e.g. wheelchair), I.P.A. will arrange and pay for the supplemental equipment. 唯此项出院后返香港之服务必须经由I.P.A.的医疗小组及主诊医生共同决定。<}74{>Any decision on the repatriation of the Insured shall be made jointly and exclusively by both attending physician & I.P.A.’s medical team.被保险人在保险有效期间,内发生意外伤害,须在十五天内或尽快以书面通知本公司,被保险人如意外身故,其受益人须尽快以书通知本公司。 Upon the happening of any accident during the Period of Insurance likely to give rise to a claim under this policy, the Insured shall give written notice to the Company within 15 days or as soon as practicable after the happening of such accident. In the event of the death of the Insured prompt notice shall be given to the Company by his beneficiary. 被保险人或其受益人必须履行此一规定,才有索赔权利。使用中国交通保险之医疗卡 Using Medical Card Issued by China Communications Insurance