辅料,是指生产药品和调配处方时所用的赋形剂和附加剂。 "" Supplementary materials "" means the excipients and additives used for the production and dispensing of pharmaceuticals.“服务对象”是指医疗机构医疗执业活动指向的人群来源,分社会、内部、境外等。 ""Service targets""refers to sources of patients from society, from the unit the medical institution belongs to, or from abroad;“特殊检查”、“特殊治疗”是指具有下列情形之一的诊断、治疗活动: ""Special examination""and ""Special treatment""refer to the diagnosis and treatment activities in any of the following cases;辅料指生产药品和调配处方时所用的赋形剂和附加剂。 ""Supplementary materials"" refers to excipients and additives used in the production and making up of drugs.(一)建议暂停使用存在缺陷的医疗器械; (1) suggesting the suspension of using the defective medical instruments;(二)停工、停业、停课; (2) suspension of work, business and school classes;(二)血站、医疗机构出售无偿献血的血液的; (2)sale of blood donated without compensation by blood stations and medical institutions; and(三)停止缺陷医疗器械的进口; (3) stopping the import of the defective medical instruments;(三)对疑似甲类传染病病人,在明确诊断前,在指定场所进行医学观察; (3) Suspected patients of A Class infectious diseases shall be kept under medical observation in designated places until a definite diagnosis is made; and(四)暂停或者撤销缺陷进口医疗器械的国家强制性产品认证证书; (4) suspending or invalidating the certificates of state compulsory product certification for the defective imported medical instruments; and(六)遵守国家相关法律法规以及提供资料真实性的承诺书(自我声明)。 (6) Statement as promised to observe the relevant laws and administrative regulations of the state and the principle of providing true materials (self-statement).(二)疗养院、妇幼保健院(所)、疾病防治院(所); 2. Sanatorium, women and children care center (station) and disease prevention and cure center (station);(二)选址报告和建筑设计平面图; 2. Site selection report and the drawings of architectural design;(三)诊所、护理站、卫生所(站、室)、保健所为6个月。 3. Six months for clinic, nursing station, health center (station, post), and health-care station.第一节 紧急救治医疗费用 SECTION 1 EMERGENCY MEDICAL EXPENSES第二节 紧急支持服务 SECTION 2 EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE SERVICES第三节 人身意外保障 SECTION 3 PERSONAL ACCIDENT严禁采用技术手段对胎儿进行性别鉴定,但医学上确有需要的除外。 Sex identification of the fetus by technical means shall be strictly forbidden, except that it is positively necessitated on medical grounds.若保险单的中文及英文译本有差异而引致争议,当以英文译本为准。 Should the Chinese and English version of this Policy has different interpretation giving rise to a dispute, the English version shall prevail.麻醉药品、精神药品、医疗用毒性药品、放射性药品、外用药品和非处方药的标签,必须印有规定的标志。 Special indications must be printed as required on the labels of narcotics, psychotropic substances, toxic drugs for medical use, radioactive drugs, medicines for external use and non-prescriptive pharmaceuticals.中国人民解放军特需药品的管理办法由国家军事主管部门制定。 Special provisions for the management of drugs in the People's Liberation Army will be laid down by the department in charge of national military affairs.具体管理办法由国务院卫生行政部门制定。 Specific control measures shall be worked out by the department of public health under the State Council.具体收费标准由国务院卫生行政部门会同国务院价格主管部门制定。 specific rates shall be set by the department of public health under the State Council in conjunction with the department of price under the State Council.权利转让 Subrogation语际翻译 版权所有
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