

(一)供水单位供应的饮用水不符合国家规定的卫生标准的;    (1) failure on the part of a water supply unit to conform to the hygienic standards for drinking water set by the state;
(十二)发生医疗事故或者发现传染病疫情,患者涉嫌伤害事件或者非正常死亡,不按照规定报告的。    (12) failing to report to the competent authorities according to provisions when causing an accident in medical treatment or discovering the epidemic situation of infectious diseases, suspected involvement of a patient in a case of injury or an unnatural death of a patient.
(二)对除艾滋病病人、炭疽中的肺炭疽病人以外的乙类、丙类传染病病人,根据病情,采取必要的治疗和控制传播措施;    (2) For patients of B Class infectious diseases other than AIDS and pulmonary anthrax as a type of anthrax and patients of C Class infectious diseases, necessary treatment and control measures shall be taken according to the patients' conditions;
(一)借故推诿病人或者以不正当方法招徕病人;    1. Finding an excuse to refuse patients, or soliciting patients by improper means;
医疗机构对超过规定存放期限的尸体,经医疗机构所在地的公安机关同意后,可以代为移送殡葬馆安置,有关费用由死者家属承担。    For any corpse which is stored beyond the above regulated time limit in the mortuary, the medical institution may transport it to the funeral house for cremation instead with approval of the public security organs in the locality where the medical institution is located; and all the related expenses shall be borne by the family member of the deceased.
若是接受门诊治疗,被保险人必须在接受门诊治疗后三十天内,以书面通知中国交通保险有关意外事故。    For Clinical Visit, a written notice of Claim must be given by the Insured to China Communications Insurance as soon as practicable after the occurrence of an accident giving rise to a claim and in any case within 30 days after clinical visit.
设置医疗机构,应当向卫生行政部门提出申请,经卫生行政部门批准后,向其他部门办理有关手续。    For the establishment of a medical institution, an application must be submitted to the Public Health Administrative Department for approval. After being approved, the formalities for establishing the medical institution shall be handled with other authorities.
设置下列医疗机构,应当向设置地的区、县卫生行政部门提出申请:    For the establishment of the following medical institutions, an application shall be submitted to the District or County Public Health Administrative Department in the locality where the medical institution will be established:
共同设置的医疗机构,应当提交有关合同书或者协议书;诊所、护理站、卫生所(站、室)和保健所,应当提交卫生技术人员名单及其资格证书或者执业证书。    For the jointly established medical institution, the relevant contract or agreement shall be submitted. For a clinic, nursing station, health center (station, post) or healthcare station, it shall also submit the list of medical technical personnel and their certificates of qualification or their certificates of practice.
为了加强医疗机构的管理,合理配置医疗资源,促进医疗卫生事业发展,保障公民健康,根据《医疗机构管理条例》的规定,结合本市实际情况,制定本办法。    For the purpose of strengthening the administration of medical institutions, rationally disposing medical resources, promoting the development of medical and public health services and ensuring citizens'' health; the present Procedures are formulated in accordance with the Regulations on Administration of Medical Institutions and in combination with the actual circumstances in Shanghai.
实施批准文号管理的中药材、中药饮片品种目录由国务院药品监督管理部门会同国务院中医药管理部门制定。    For those traditional Chinese medicinal herbs and traditional Chinese medicines prepared in ready-to-use forms that are controlled with registered document of approval, the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative department under the State Council and the administrative department of traditional Chinese medicines under the State Council shall jointly formulate their type catalogue.
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