(一)遵守法律、法规,遵守技术操作规范; (1) observing laws and regulations and following the technical and operating rules;(二)按照国务院卫生行政部门规定的标准,获得与本人执业活动相当的医疗设备基本条件; (2) obtaining medical instruments and necessary conditions commensurate with his practice of medicine according to the standards set by the administrative department of health under the State Council;(二)取得执业助理医师执业证书后,具有高等学校医学专科学历,在医疗、预防、保健机构中工作满二年的;具有中等专业学校医学专业学历,在医疗、预防、保健机构中工作满五年的。 (2) On the strength of the practicing certificate of assistant medical practitioners, anyone who has received junior college medical training in an institution of higher learning and has served at least two years in an institution of medical treatment, prevention or health care; or has received medical training in a secondary training school and has served at least five years in an institution of medical treatment, prevention or health care.(二)门诊部; (2) Out-patient department;(三)国务院规定的其他药品。 (3) Other pharmaceuticals prescribed by the State Council.(五)其他必要的措施。 (5) other necessary measures.(五)进口单位有违反法律法规其他行为的。 (5) Otherwise the importer is in violation of any law or administrative regulation.(只适用于中国广东省境内) (ONLY APPLICABLE TO GUANGDONG PROVINCE, P.R.C.)(一)医院、疗养院、妇幼保健院(所)、疾病防治院(所)、医疗急救中心、临床检验中心每3年校验1次; 1. Once every three years for hospitals, sanatorium, women and children care center (station), disease prevention and cure center (station), medical first aid center and clinical laboratory; and(二)门诊部、医疗急救站、护理院(站)、诊所、卫生所(站、室)、保健所每年校验1次。 2. Once every year for the outpatient department, medical first aid station, nursing center (station), clinic, health center (station, post) and healthcare station.(二)门诊部、医疗急救站、护理院为1年; 2. One year for outpatient department, medical first-aid station and nursing center; and(二)单位内部医疗机构未经卫生行政部门批准向社会开放; 2. Opening the internal medical institution of a unit to the public without approval of the Public Health Administrative Department;2.2 主诊医生之诊断书正本详细列明损伤之程度及原因、诊断结果及所提供之医疗方法。 2.2 Original Medical Certificate issued by the attending doctor stating the nature and extent of injuries, diagnosis and what kind of treatments were provided.2.4 负责是次意外之政府有关部门报告正本或说明。 2.4 Original report issued by the official authorities concerned or evidence of the alleged accident.(五)市卫生行政部门规定的其他医疗机构。 5. Other medical institutions stipulated by the Municipal Public Health Administrative Department.发给《精神药品出口准许证》后,方可办理出口手续。 Only after a License for the Export of Psychotropic Drugs is issued to them can they go through export formalities.(八)被国家机关开除公职或者被医疗机构解除聘用合同未满5年的人员。 or 8. The person who has been dismissed from public office by the State organs or whose employment contract has been discharged by a medical institution for less than five years.国务院其他有关部门在各自职责范围内,配合卫生行政部门做好母婴保健工作。 Other relevant departments under the State Council shall, within the scope of their respective functions and duties, cooperate with the administrative department of public health to make a success of the work of maternal and infant health care.但是,对卫生行政部门作出的药品控制的决定,当事人必须立即执行。对处罚决定不履行逾期又不起诉的,由作出行政处罚决定的机关申请人民法院强制执行。 owever, in the case of a decision relating to drug control taken by the department responsible for health administration, the party shall immediately comply. Where the decision has not been complied with within the time limit and no action has been brought, the People's Court shall compulsorily enforce compliance upon application by the organ which made the decision.