

(二)国务院卫生行政部门委托国家中药品种保护审评委员会负责对申请保护的中药品种进行审评。国家中药品种保护审评委员会应当自接到申请报告书之日起六个月内做出审评结论。?    (2) Health administrative departments under the State Council entrusts the National Committee on the Assessment of the Protected Traditional Chinese Medicinal Products P. R. C. for assessment which is to be completed with a conclusion within 6 months as of the date of its receipt of the application.
(二)孕妇、产妇保健:为孕妇、产妇提供卫生、营养、心理等方面的咨询和指导以及产前定期检查等医疗保健服务;    (2) health care for pregnant women and lying-in women: consultation and instruction on hygiene, nutrition and psychology, etc. and medical health-care services such as regular prenatal physical check-up;
(三)胎儿保健:为胎儿生长发育进行监护,提供咨询和医学指导;    (3) health care for the fetus: monitoring care, consultancy and medical advice for the growth of the fetus; and
(四)新生儿保健:为新生儿生长发育、哺乳和护理提供的医疗保健服务。    (4) health care for newborn babies: medical and health-care services for the growth, feeding and nursing of newborn babies.
(五)卫生所(站、室)、保健所。    (5) Health center (station, post) and health-care station.
孕产期保健服务包括下列内容:    Health-care services during the pregnant and perinatal period shall include the following:
入院医疗费用担保    Hospital Admission Deposit Guarantee
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