

“医疗执业活动”是指通过各种检查,使用药物、器械及手术等方法,对疾病作出判断和消除疾病、缓解病情、减轻痛苦、改善功能、延长生命、帮助病人恢复健康的活动。    ""Medical practising activities""refers to all the activities for diagnosing and curing diseases, mitigating the illness and alleviating patients'' sufferings, improving physical functions, prolonging human life and helping patients recover from their illness by means of different kinds of examination, medicines, medical apparatus application and surgical operation;
“医疗技术规范”是指卫生部、国家中医药管理局、市卫生行政部门制定的与医疗执业活动有关的技术标准、操作规程等规范性文件。    ""Medical technical specification""refers to the standardization documents concerning the technical standards, rules of operation, etc. for medical practising activities; as formulated by the Ministry of Public Health, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Material Medic and the Municipal Public Health Administrative Department.
“服务方式”是指门诊、急诊、住院、家庭病床、巡诊和其他方式。    ""Mode of services""refers to ambulatory treatment, emergency treatment, hospitalization, home sickbeds, mobile medical treatment and other services;
(一)红十字会会员缴纳的会费;    (1) membership dues paid by members of the Red Cross Society;
(二)接受国内外组织和个人捐赠的款物;    (2) money and goods donated by organizations and individuals at home and abroad;
(三)医疗急救中心(站);    3. Medical first-aid center (station);
最高担保额:港币65,000圆    Maximum Deposit Guarantee: HKD65,000.00
进口医疗器械检验监督管理办法    Measures for the Administration of Inspection and Supervision of the Imported Medical Instruments
不具备本法规定的执业医师资格或者执业助理医师资格的乡村医生,由国务院另行制定管理办法。    Measures for the administration of village doctors who have not yet qualified as medical practitioners or assistant medical practitioners as required by this Law shall be formulated separately by the State Council.
现役军人献血的动员和组织办法,由中国人民解放军卫生主管部门制定。    Measures for the motivation and organization for blood donation by active-duty service personnel shall be worked out by the competent department of health of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.
医师资格统一考试的办法,由国务院卫生行政部门制定。    Measures for the unified examination for the qualifications of doctors shall be worked out by the administrative department of health under the State Council.
县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门委托的承担医师考核任务的医疗卫生机构,应当为医师的培训和接受继续医学教育提供和创造条件。    Medical and health institutions entrusted by the administrative department of health under the people’s government at or above the county level to undertake the evaluation of doctors should provide and create conditions for training and continued medical education of doctors.
医疗保健机构对婴儿进行体格检查和预防接种,逐步开展新生儿疾病筛查、婴儿多发病和常见病防治等医疗保健服务。    Medical and health institutions shall give physical check-up and preventive inoculation to infants, and gradually develop medical and healthcare services such as the screening examination of diseases of newborn babies, the prevention and control of frequently occurring and commonly-seen diseases among infants.
各级各类医疗保健机构承担责任范围内的传染病防治管理任务,并接受有关卫生防疫机构的业务指导。    Medical care and health institutions at various levels and of different types shall undertake the tasks of preventing, treating and controlling infectious diseases within their respective spheres of responsibilities and receive professional guidance from the anti-epidemic agencies concerned.
2.1 转院服务    Medical Evacuation
医疗机构及其工作人员在从事医疗执业活动中,不得有下列情形:    Medical institutions and their workers shall not commit the following offences in their medical practising activities:
依法设置医疗机构和从事医疗执业活动,受法律保护。    Medical institutions established according to law and legal medical practising activities are all protected by law.
医疗机构应当积极推行按血液成份针对医疗实际需要输血;    Medical institutions shall actively carry out blood transfusion in accordance with blood components in light of actual medical requirements.
医疗机构应当按照国家和本市的医疗质量控制要求,执行各项规章制度和各级各类人员岗位责任制,加强医疗质量管理,确保医疗安全和服务质量。    Medical institutions shall carry out all rules and regulations, exercise the post responsibility system for various medical persons at all levels, strengthen medical quality control and ensure medical safety and the quality of services according to the State and Municipal medical quality control requirement.
本办法所称的医疗机构,是指从事医疗执业活动的医院、疗养院、妇幼保健院(所)、疾病防治院(所)、门诊部、诊所、护理院(站)、卫生所(站、室)、医务室、保健所、医疗急救中心(站)、临床检验中心等。    Medical institutions termed in the present Procedures refer to hospitals, sanatorium, women and children care center (station), disease prevention and cure center (station), out-patient department, clinic, nursing center (station), health center (station, post), medical room, health-care station, medical first-aid center (station), clinical laboratory, etc. which are engaged in medical business activities.
医疗机构配制的制剂,不得在市场销售。    Medicinal preparations made by medical organizations may not be sold on the market.
医疗单位临床急需或者个人自用进口的少量药品,按照国家有关规定办理进口手续。    Medicines to be imported in small quantities for urgent clinical needs by medical organizations or for personal use shall go through import formalities according to relevant regulations of the State.
危险减轻义务    Mitigation
市、市辖区、县设立传染病医院或者指定医院设立传染病门诊和传染病病房。    Municipalities, municipal districts and counties shall have hospitals for infectious diseases or clinics and wards for infectious diseases in designated hospitals.
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