

本法所称日内瓦公约""附加议定书"",是指中国加入的于1977年6月8日缔结的《1949年8月12日日内瓦四公约关于保护国际性武装冲突受难者的附加议定书》和《1949年8月12日日内瓦四公约关于保护非国际性武装冲突受难者的附加议定书》。    ""The Additional Protocols"" to the Geneva Conventions as mentioned in this Law refers to the Protocol Additional to the Four Geneva Conventions, concluded on 12 August 1949, Concerning the Protection of Victims in International Armed Conflicts and the Protocol Additional to the Four Geneva Conventions on 12 October 1949, Concerning the Protection of Victims in Non-international Armed Conflicts acceded to by the People's Republic of China on 8 June 1977.
本法所称""日内瓦公约"",是指中国加入的于1949年8月12日缔结的日内瓦四公约,即:《改善战地武装部队伤者病者境遇之日内瓦公约》、《改善海上武装部队伤者病者及遇船难者境遇之日内瓦公约》、《关于战浮待遇之日内瓦公约》和《关于战时保护平民之日内瓦公约》。    ""The Geneva Conventions"" as mentioned in this Law refers to the four conventions concluded in Geneva on 12 August 1949 and then acceded to by the People's Republic of China, namely, the Geneva Convention on Amelioration of the Conditions of the Wounded and the Sick in Armed Forces in the Field, the Geneva Convention on Amelioration of the Conditions of the Wounded, the Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces, the Geneva Convention on Treatment of Prisoners of War, and the Geneva Convention on Protection of Civilians in Time of War.
(一)药品成份的含量与国家药品标准或者省、自治区、直辖市药品标准规定不符合的;    (1) The content of its ingredients does not comply with the national drug standard or the drug standard set by the province, autonomous region or municipality under the direct control of the Central Government;
(一)胎儿患严重遗传性疾病的;    (1) the fetus is suffering from a genetic disease of a serious nature;
(一)进口单位出现不良诚信记录的;    (1) The importer has a bad credibility record;
(一)药品所含成份的名称与国家药品标准或者省、自治区、直辖市药品标准规定不符合的;    (1) The names of the ingredients contained in the drug do not correspond to the national drug standard or the drug standard set by the province, autonomous region or municipality under the direct control of the Central Government;
(一)国务院卫生行政部门规定禁止使用的;    (1) The State Council department responsible for health administration has stipulated that its use is forbidden;
(1) 在医护人员监护下使用各种必需之医疗运送设备,例如空中救难专机、定期班机及救护车等转送被保险人至适合治疗其意外伤害之医院;或    (1) the transfer of the Insured with necessary medical supervision by any means (including but not limited to air ambulance, schedule commercial flight, and road ambulance) to a hospital more appropriately equipped for the particular bodily injury, or
(一)擅自生产精神药品或者改变生产计划,增加精神药品品种的;    (1) Those that produce psychotropic drugs or change the production plan or produce additional kinds of psychotropic drugs without authorization;
(一)从事婚前医学检查、遗传病诊断、产前诊断或者医学技术鉴定的;    (1) to engage in pre-marital medical examination, genetic disease diagnosis, prenatal diagnosis or medical technical appraisement;
(一)对达到国家药品标准的,经征求国家中药生产经营主管部门意见后,补发《中药保护品种证书》。?    (1) to make an additional issuance, after consulting with the responsible departments at the state level in charge of the preparation and management of the traditional Chinese medicines, of ""the Certificate of Variety of Traditional Chinese Medicines under Protection"" to those having duly met the required standards established by the state; and
(一)开展救灾的准备工作;在自然灾害和突发事件中,对伤病人员和其他受害者进行救助;    (1) to make preparations for disaster relief; in cases of natural calamities and emergencies, to offer relief and assistance to the sick, the injured and other victims;
(一)对传染病的预防、治疗、监测、控制和疫情管理措施进行监督、检查;    (1) to supervise and inspect the measures for the prevention, treatment, monitoring and control of infectious diseases as well as the control of the epidemic situation;
(十)利用职务之便,索取、非法收受患者财物或者牟取其他不正当利益的;    (10) taking advantage of the position to illegally accept patients’ property or seek other illegitimate gains;
(二)指定传染病;    (2) target infectious diseases; and
(2) 在医护人员监护下经由救护车及定期班机直接转送至适当医院/医疗机构。    (2) the direct repatriation, including road ambulance transfers to and from the airports, of the Insured with necessary medical supervision by scheduled airline to an appropriate hospital or other health care facility, if his medical condition permits such repatriation.唯此项运送安排必须经由 I.P.A. 的医疗小组及主诊医生共同决定。
(二)胎儿有严重缺陷的;    (2) the fetus is with a defect of a serious nature; or
(二)所进口的医疗器械存在重大安全隐患或者发生重大质量问题的;    (2) The medical instruments as imported by this importer have severe potential risks in safety or serious quality problem;
(二)擅自经营精神药品的;    (2) Those who are engaged in the trading of psychotropic drugs without authorization;
(二)普及卫生救护和防病知识,进行初级卫生救护培训,组织群众参加现场救护;参与输血献血工作,推动无偿献血;开展其他人道主义服务活动;    (2) to disseminate knowledge about hygiene, rescue skills and disease prevention, conduct training in elementary hygiene and rescue skills, organize the masses to participate in on-the-spot rescue operations; participate in the work of blood transfusion and donation, promote gratuitous donation of blood, and provide other humanitarian services;
(二)责令被检查单位或者个人限期改进传染病防治管理工作;    (2) to instruct an inspected unit or individual to improve management of the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases within a definite time; and
(二)施行终止妊娠手术的;    (2) to perform operations for termination of gestation; or
(二)对未达到国家药品标准的,依照药品管理的法律、行政法规的规定撤销该中药品种的批准文号。?    (2) to remove the previous approval of the said variety of traditional Chinese medicines, in pursuit of laws and regulations governing the management of medicines, if it fails to meet the required standards established by the state.
(三)根据国家中药品种保护审评委员会的审评结论,由国务院卫生行政部门征求国家中药生产经营主管部门的意见后决定是否给予保护。批准保护的中药品种,由国务院卫生行政部门发给《中药保护品种证书》。?    (3) Taking into account of the conclusion reached by the National Committee on the Assessment of the Protected Traditional Chinese Medicinal Products P.R.C. the health administrative departments under the State Council is to make a decision, after consulting with the responsible departments at the state level in charge of the preparation and management of traditional Chinese medicines, on whether a protection is to be granted. The health administrative departments under the State Council is to issue ""the Certificate of Variety of Traditional Chinese Medicine under Protection"" to those granted with a protection.
(三)超过有效期的;    (3) The medicine has passed its expiration date; or
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