

药品:指用于预防、治疗、诊断人的疾病,有目的地调节人的生理机能并规定有适应症、用法和用量的物质,    ""Drug"" refers to a substance used for the prevention, treatment and diagnosis of human diseases, and with the object of regulating human physiological functions, with stipulated indications, usage and dosage.
药品经营企业指经营药品的专营企业或者兼营企业。    ""Drug-handling enterprise"" refers to those enterprises exclusively or partially engaged in the handling of drugs.
药品生产企业指生产药品的专营企业或者兼营企业。    ""Drug-producing enterprise"" refers to those enterprises exclusively or partially engaged in the production of drugs.
(一)报检规定中要求提供的单证;    (1) Documents as required in the rules of inspection application;
(二)由于不负责任延误急危患者的抢救和诊治,造成严重后果的;    (2) due to negligence of duty, delaying diagnosis and emergency treatment of a patient who is suffering from an acute disease or dangerously ill and thereby causing severe consequences;
(三)变质不能药用的;    (3) Due to deterioration, it cannot be used for medicinal purposes;
(四)被污染不能药用的。    (4) Due to contamination, it cannot be used for medicinal purposes.
(五)宣传卫生保健知识,对患者进行健康教育。    (5) disseminating hygienic and health care knowledge and instructing patients in health care.
(九)泄露患者隐私,造成严重后果的;    (9) divulging the privacy of a patient and thereby causing severe consequences;
"This exclusion also excludes loss    damage
身故(失踪不能作为意外身故,但因乘坐飞机或船只失事而致完全灭失的不在此限)    Death (Accidental death shall not be in any way be presumed by reason of disappearance of the Insured except in the event of the total loss by wreck of the ship or aeroplane on which the Insured was travelling.
国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第95号 《进口医疗器械检验监督管理办法》已经2007年5月30日国家质量监督检验检疫总局局务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2007年12月1日起施行。国家质量监督检验检疫总局局长李长江 二〇〇七年六月十八日    Decree of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China No.95?? Measures for the Administration of Inspection and Supervision of the Imported Medical Instruments, which have been deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China on May 30, 2007, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of December 1, 2007. Director-general: Li Changjiang?? June 18, 2007
本办法下列用语的含义:    Definition of the following terms in the present Procedures:
县级以上卫生行政部门,可以设置药政机构和药品检验机构。    Departments administering health at above county level may establish drug administration bodies and drug inspection bodies.
《药品经营质量管理规范》的具体实施办法、实施步骤由国务院药品监督管理部门规定。    Detailed implementation measures and procedures for the ""Standards for Quality Control of Pharmaceutical Trading"" shall be stipulated by the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative departments under the State Council.
具体办法由国务院卫生行政部门会同国务院人事行政部门制定。    Detailed measures shall be worked out by the administrative department of health under the State Council in conjunction with the administrative department of personnel under the State Council.
区、县卫生行政部门应当于每年1月底前,将上年度本区、县内登记执业的医疗机构名册上报市卫生行政部门。    District or County Public Health Administrative Department shall report the practice registration name list of medical institutions in this District or County for the previous year to the Municipal Public Health Administrative Department by the end of January every year.
区、县卫生行政部门应当依据本市医疗机构设置规划和本区、县的实际情况,会同规划管理部门编制本区、县医疗机构设置规划,经市卫生行政部门审核同意后,报区、县人民政府批准,并由区、县人民政府将该规划纳入本区、县卫生发展规划和地区详细规划。    District or County Public Health Administrative Department shall, according to the Municipal Program of the Establishment of Medical Institutions and in combination with its own actual circumstances, together with its Program Department, work out its own Program of the Establishment of Medical Institutions which shall, after being examined, verified, and approved by the Municipal Public Health Administrative Department, be submitted to the District or County People''s Government for approval, and then be incorporated into the District or County Public Health Development Program and the regional Detailed Program by the District or County People''s Government.
医师发现患者涉嫌伤害事件或者非正常死亡时,应当按照有关规定向有关部门报告。    Doctors discovering suspected involvement of their patients in a case of injury or discovering an unnatural death of their patients should report the case to the competent authorities according to relevant provisions.
本法所称医师,包括执业医师和执业助理医师。    Doctors referred to in this Law include medical practitioners and assistant medical practitioners.
医师不得出具与自己执业范围无关或者与执业类别不相符的医学证明文件。    Doctors shall not work out medical documents irrelevant to their own scopes of business or not consistent with their own categories of business.
医师进行实验性临床医疗,应当经医院批准并征得患者本人或者其家属同意。    Doctors should obtain the approval of the hospitals and the consent of the patients themselves or their family members for experimental clinic treatment.
药品监督员对药品的生产企业和科研单位提供的技术资料,负责保密。    Drug Controllers are responsible for keeping the technical data provided by drug-manufacturing enterprises or scientific research units confidential.
医疗单位配制的制剂不得在市场销售。    Drugs made up by medical treatment units may not be sold on the market.
城乡集市贸易市场不得出售中药材以外的药品持有《药品经营企业许可证》的除外。    Drugs other than Chinese medicinal materials may not be sold in the trading markets of country towns, unless a ""Drug-handling Enterprise Licence"" is held.
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