

第二十六条本条例由国务院卫生行政部门负责解释。?    Article 26 The rights for the interpretation of this Decree rest on the health administrative departments under the State Council.
第二十六条 医疗机构购进药品,必须建立并执行进货检查验收制度,验明药品合格证明和其他标识;不符合规定要求的,不得购进和使用。    Article 26 When purchasing pharmaceuticals, medical organizations must formulate and implement a system of quality inspection and check the certificates and other marks of pharmaceuticals. Those pharmaceuticals that do not meet the requirements of relevant regulations shall not be purchased and used.
第二十六条 甲类、乙类传染病暴发、流行时,县级以上地方政府报经上一级地方政府决定,可以宣布疫区,在疫区内采取本法第二十五条规定的紧急措施,并可以对出入疫区的人员、物资和交通工具实施卫生检疫。    Article 26. In the event of an outbreak or a prevalence of an A Class or a B Class infectious disease, a local government at or above the county level may, subject to reporting to and decision by the local government at the next higher level, announce the designation of an epidemic area, take emergency measures in the epidemic area as specified in Article 25 of this Law and carry out quarantine inspection of persons, goods and materials and means of transport entering or leaving the epidemic area.
第二十七条 本法所称""国际红十字和红新月运动确立的基本原则""是指1986年10月日内瓦国际红十字大会第二十五次会议通过的""国际红十字和红新月运动章程""中确立的人道性、公正性、中立性、独立性、志愿服务、统一性和普遍性七项基本原则。    Article 27 ""The Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and the Red Crescent Movement"" as mentioned in this Law refers to the seven fundamental principles, namely, humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality, laid down in the Statutes of the International Red Cross and the Red Crescent Movement adopted by the Twenty-fifth Conference of the International Red Cross in Geneva in October 1986.
第二十七条(许可证的校验)    Article 27 (Examination of Practice License)
第二十七条医师不得利用职务之便,索取、非法收受患者财物或者牟取其他不正当利益。    Article 27 Doctors shall not take advantage of their positions to extort or illegally accept the patients’ property or seek other illegitimate gains.
第二十七条进口捐赠医疗器械禁止夹带列入我国《禁止进口货物目录》的物品。    Article 27 No article within the Catalogue of Goods Prohibited from Being Imported of China may be carried with any imported donated medical instruments.
第二十七条 医疗机构的药剂人员调配处方,必须经过核对,对处方所列药品不得擅自更改或者代用。对有配伍禁忌或者超剂量的处方,应当拒绝调配;必要时,经处方医师更正或者重新签字,方可调配。    Article 27 Prescriptions being dispensed by the dispensers of medical organizations must be checked. Pharmaceuticals listed in prescriptions must not be presumptuously changed or substituted. Prescriptions containing incompatible substances or excessive dosages shall be rejected by the dispensary. If necessary, such prescriptions can be dispensed after they have been corrected or re-signed by the doctors who wrote them.
第二十七条医学技术鉴定实行回避制度。凡与当事人有利害关系,可能影响公正鉴定的人员,应当回避。    Article 27 The challenge system shall be instituted in making medical technical appraisement. Personnel who has an interest in the party concerned, which may affect the impartiality of the appraisement, shall withdraw.
第二十七条本条例自一九九三年一月一日起施行。    Article 27 The Decree comes into effect as of January 1,1993.
第二十七条 本办法由卫生部解释。    Article 27 the right to interpret these Measures resides in the Ministry of Public Health.
第二十七条 发生重大传染病疫情时,国务院卫生行政部门有权在全国范围或者跨省、自治区、直辖市范围内,地方各级政府卫生行政部门有权在本行政区域内,调集各级各类医疗保健人员、卫生防疫人员参加疫情控制工作。    Article 27. When a grave epidemic situation occurs, the health administration department under the State Council shall have the authority, within the whole country or across provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and health administration departments under the governments at various levels shall have the authority, in their respective administrative areas, to assemble medical and health personnel and anti-epidemic personnel at various levels and of different types for participation in the control of the epidemic situation.
第二十八条(登记名册上报)    Article 28 (Reporting of the Registration Name List)
第二十八条向中国境内捐赠医疗器械的境外捐赠机构,须由其或者其在中国的代理机构向国家质检总局办理捐赠机构及其捐赠医疗器械的备案。    Article 28 Any donating institution outside the territory of China that donates medical instruments to China by itself or by its agent in the territory of China must apply to the GAQSIQ for going through the formalities of filing the donating institution and donated medical instruments.
第二十八条遇有自然灾害、传染病流行、突发重大伤亡事故及其他严重威胁人民生命健康的紧急情况时,医师应当服从县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门的调遣。    Article 28 In the event of a natural disaster, the spreading of an infectious disease, an unexpected heavy casualty or other emergencies seriously threatening the people’s lives and health, doctors should accept assignments by order of the administrative department of health under the people’s government at or above the county level.
第二十八条各级人民政府应当采取措施,加强母婴保健工作,提高医疗保健服务水平,积极防治由环境因素所致严重危害母亲和婴儿健康的地方性高发性疾病,促进母婴保健事业的发展。    Article 28 People's governments at various levels shall take measures to strengthen the work of maternal and infant health care, to improve medical and health-care services, to work hard at preventing and controlling the frequently-occurring endemic diseases, caused by environmental factors, that are seriously jeopardizing the health of mothers and infants, thereby promoting the development of undertakings of maternal and infant health care.
第二十八条 医疗机构必须制定和执行药品保管制度,采取必要的冷藏、防冻、防潮、防虫、防鼠等措施,保证药品质量。    Article 28 Rules for storage of pharmaceuticals shall be formulated and implemented by medical organizations, which must adopt necessary measures to facilitate cold storage and protection against cold, moisture, insects and rodents to ensure the quality of pharmaceuticals.
第二十八条 本办法自发布之日起施行。    Article 28 These Measures shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.
第二十八条 本法自公布之日起施行。    Article 28 This Law shall come into effect as of the date of its promulgation.
第二十八条 患鼠疫、霍乱和炭疽死亡的,必须将尸体立即消毒,就近火化。患其他传染病死亡的,必要时,应当将尸体消毒后火化或者按照规定深埋。    Article 28. The body of a person who died of plague, cholera or anthrax must be disinfected immediately and cremated at a nearby place. The body of a person who died of any other infectious disease shall, when necessary, be cremated after disinfection or buried deep in accordance with relevant provisions.
第二十九条(停止执业活动的规定)    Article 29 (Stipulations for Terminating or Suspending the Practising Activities)
第二十九条县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门管理本行政区域内的母婴保健工作。    Article 29 Administrative departments of public health under the people's governments at or above the county level shall administer the work of maternal and infant health care within their respective administrative areas.
第二十九条医师发生医疗事故或者发现传染病疫情时,应当按照有关规定及时向所在机构或者卫生行政部门报告。    Article 29 Doctors causing an accident in medical treatment or discovering the epidemic situation of infectious diseases should timely report the case to their own institutions or to the administrative department of health according to relevant provisions.
第二十九条国家质检总局在必要时可以对进口捐赠的医疗器械组织实施装运前预检验。    Article 29 The GAQSIQ may arrange the pre-inspection on the imported donated medical instruments before the shipment thereof, if necessary.
 第二十九条 研制新药,必须按照国务院药品监督管理部门的规定如实报送研制方法、质量指标、药理及毒理试验结果等有关资料和样品,经国务院药品监督管理部门批准后,方可进行临床试验。药物临床试验机构资格的认定办法,由国务院药品监督管理部门、国务院卫生行政部门共同制定。    Article 29 When producing a new medicine, it is necessary to submit information about the methods of production, quality indices, pharmacological and toxicological testing results, and other related materials and sales as required by the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative department of the State Council, only after whose approval can clinical tests be carried out. Certifying measures for clinical test units shall be jointly formulated by the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative department under the State Council and the administrative department of health under the State Council.
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