第二十一条进口医疗器械应当在报检人报检时申报的目的地检验。 Article 21 The imported medical instruments shall be inspected at the destination where the inspection declaration is made by the inspection applicants.第二十一条 精神药品的进口、出口准许证由卫生部统一印制。 Article 21 The License for the Import of Psychotropic Drugs and the License for the Export of Psychotropic Drugs shall be exclusively printed by the Ministry of Public health.第二十一条 国家对红十字会兴办的与其宗旨相符的社会福利事业给予扶持。 Article 21 The State shall support the social welfare undertakings set up by the Red Cross Society in conformity with its aims.第二十一条 城乡集市贸易市场可以出售中药材,国务院另有规定的除外。 Article 21 Unless otherwise stipulated by the State, traditional Chinese medicinal materials may be marketed at urban or rural fairs.第二十一条 任何人发现传染病病人或者疑似传染病病人时,都应当及时向附近的医疗保健机构或者卫生防疫机构报告。 Article 21. Anyone who has found an infectious disease patient or a suspected one shall promptly report to the nearby medical care and health institution or anti-epidemic agency.第二十二条(申请登记的条件)医疗机构申请办理执业登记手续,应当具备下列条件: Article 22 (Requirements for the Registration Application) A medical institution shall meet the following requirements on application for the practice registration:第二十二条医师在执业活动中履行下列义务: Article 22 A doctor shall perform the following obligations in practicing medicine:第二十二条检验检疫机构按照国家技术规范的强制性要求对进口医疗器械进行检验;尚未制定国家技术规范的强制性要求的,可以参照国家质检总局指定的国外有关标准进行检验。 Article 22 An IQ organ shall implement the inspection on imported medical instruments in accordance with the compulsory requirements of the state technical specifications; in case the said requirements have not been constituted yet, it may perform the inspection with reference to the relevant foreign criterions as designated by the GAQSIQ.第二十二条医疗机构的医务人员违反本法规定,将不符合国家规定标准的血液用于患者的,由县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门责令改正; Article 22 Any medical practitioner of a medical institution who, in violation of the provisions of this Law, uses the blood which fails to meet the standards prescribed by the state on patients shall be ordered by the department of public health under local people’s government at or above the county level to make a rectification;第二十二条违反本条例第十三条的规定,造成泄密的责任人员,由其所在单位或者上级机关给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。? Article 22 Any person responsible for the leakage of a secret as a result of violating the stipulation of Article 13 of this Decree is to be given with a disciplinary sanction by the department the said person is affiliated, or, by administrative bodies at a higher level; and is to be affixed the person's criminal responsibility according to law if the cases constitutes a crime.第二十二条 凡违反本办法的规定,有下列行为之一的,由当地卫生行政部门没收全部精神药品和非法收入,并视情节轻重,给予非法所得金额五至十倍的罚款,停业整顿,吊销《药品生产企业许可证》、《药品经营企业许可证》、《制剂许可证》的处罚: Article 22 any violator of these Measures for any one of the following acts shall be punished by the local health administrative department. The penalty shall cover confiscation of all the psychotropic drugs and the illegal gains, a fine 5 to 10 times the illegal gains according to the seriousness of the case, suspension of business operations for rectification or revocation of the License for Pharmaceutical Production Enterprise, License for Pharmaceutical Business Enterprise or License for Medicaments: 第二十二条 医疗机构必须配备依法经过资格认定的药学技术人员。非药学技术人员不得直接从事药剂技术工作。 Article 22 Medical organizations must be staffed with legally certified pharmaceutical technical personnel. Non-pharmaceutical technical personnel may not be directly engaged in the technical work of the pharmacy.第二十二条不能住院分娩的孕妇应当由经过培训合格的接生人员实行消毒接生。 Article 22 Pregnant women who cannot be hospitalized for deli-very shall receive sterilized midwifery by trained and qualified midwives.第二十二条 红十字会为开展救助工作,可以进行募捐活动。 Article 22 The Red Cross Society may, for the purpose of extending relief and assistance, solicit contributions.第二十二条 各级政府有关主管人员和从事传染病的医疗保健、卫生防疫、监督管理的人员,不得隐瞒、谎报或者授意他人隐瞒、谎报疫情。 Article 22. The responsible persons concerned of governments at various levels and the persons engaged in the medical care, epidemic prevention, surveillance and control of infectious diseases shall not withhold the truth about or make a false report on the epidemic situation or inspire others to do so.第二十三条(申请登记应当提交的材料) Article 23 (Materials to be Submitted with the Application for Registration)第二十三条卫生行政部门及其工作人员在献血、用血的监督管理工作中,玩忽职守,造成严重后果,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分。 Article 23 Any public health department and its staff that neglect their duties in the supervision and administration of blood donation and blood use causing serious consequences and constituting a crime shall be investigated of the criminal liability according to law; where a crime has not been constituted, administrative sanctions shall be imposed according to law.第二十三条违反本条例第十七条的规定,擅自仿制中药保护品种的,由县级以上卫生行政部门以生产假药依法论处。? Article 23 Any violence of the stipulation of Article 17 of this Decree by replicating presumptuously the preparation of any protected variety of traditional Chinese medicines is to be regarded as the preparation of counterfeit medicine and to be dealt with according to law by the health administrative departments at county level and above.第二十三条医师实施医疗、预防、保健措施,签署有关医学证明文件,必须亲自诊查、调查,并按照规定及时填写医学文书,不得隐匿、伪造或者销毁医学文书及有关资料。 Article 23 Doctors adopting measures of medical treatment, prevention or health care or signing the relevant medical certificates must make diagnosis and examination in person and work out medical documents in time according to provisions, and shall not conceal, forge or destroy medical documents and relevant materials.第二十三条医疗保健机构和从事家庭接生的人员按照国务院卫生行政部门的规定,出具统一制发的新生儿出生医学证明;有产妇和婴儿死亡以及新生儿出生缺陷情况的,应当向卫生行政部门报告。 Article 23 Medical and health institutions and midwives engaged in home delivery shall, as prescribed by the administrative department of public health under the State Council, issue uniformly prepared medical certificates for childbirths, and report to the administrative department of public health, if a lying-in woman or an infant dies or a defective baby is born.第二十三条 红十字会接受用于救助和公益事业的捐赠物资,按照国家有关规定享受减税、免税的优惠待遇。 Article 23 The goods and materials donated to the Red Cross Society for the purpose of relief and public welfare undertakings may enjoy the preferential treatment of tax reduction or exemption in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.第二十三条检验检疫机构对进口医疗器械实施现场检验和监督检验的内容可以包括: Article 23 The spot inspection and surveillant inspection of imported medical instruments by an IQ organ may include:第二十三条 对利用职务上的便利,为他人开具不符合规定的处方,或者为自己开具处方,骗取、滥用精神药品的直接责任人员,由其所在单位给予行政处分。 Article 23 Those who take advantage of their professional work by prescribing psychotropic drugs to other persons without complying with the rules or by prescribing the psychotropic drugs for themselves, and those who are directly responsible for cheating to gain or abusing the drugs shall be given disciplinary sanctions by the authorities of the unit they are in.第二十三条 医疗机构配制制剂,须经所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府卫生行政部门审核同意,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府药品监督管理部门批准,发给《医疗机构制剂许可证》。无《医疗机构制剂许可证》的,不得配制制剂。 Article 23 To make medicinal preparations, a medical organization must be examined and approved by the administrative departments of health of the provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the central government where the organization is located , and approved and issued a Dispensing Permit for Medical Organizations by the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative departments of the provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the central government. No medicinal preparations shall be made without a Dispensing Permit for Medical Organizations.第二十三条 国务院卫生行政部门应当及时地如实通报和公布疫情,并可以授权省、自治区、直辖市政府卫生行政部门及时地如实通报和公布本行政区域的疫情。 Article 23. The health administration department under the State Council shall promptly release information on and publicly announce the true epidemic situation and may authorize the health administration departments of provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government to release information on and publicly announce the true epidemic situation in their respective administrative areas.