- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 澎湖列岛 Penghu Lieh Tao/Pescadores Islands/Penghu archipelago
- 阴茎 penis
- 仙股 penny stocks
- 仙股丑闻/仙股风波 penny stocks scandal
- 竹篙湾 Penny's Bay
- 仙股事件/仙股风波 penny-stocks controversy/penny-stocks fiasco
- 长俸 pension
- 由于市况不明朗,市民越来越不愿意购买私人住宅单位。 People are becoming more reserved in buying private flats in view of the unclear market future.
- 人民(对胡辛逝世)表示痛惜。 People are in pain.
- 越来越多人烧炭自杀。 People are killing themselves by charcoal-burning in increasing numbers.
- 埋身火海的人在大声哭叫。 People caught in that inferno were wailing and crying.
- 亲民党主席宋楚瑜 People First Party chairman James Soong Chu-yu
- 人民力量 people power
- 市民应保持健康的生活方式,才能预防糖尿病。 People should develop healthy lifestyle to help prevent diabetes.
- 受洪水围困的人 people stranded by floods
- 乘客尝试爬出车外。 People tried crawling out of the bus.
- 普罗大众都不敢诉诸法律行动,因为这既昂贵又耗时。 People were deterred from taking legal action because it was expensive and lengthy.
- 正在供楼的人 people who are servicing mortgages
- 使用电话拨号上网的人 people with dial-up connections
- 中国人民银行 People's Bank of China
- 人民协商会议(印尼最高权力机构、国会) People's Consultative Assembly
- 人民日报 People's Daily
- 市民倒董的诉求并未减轻。 People's desire for Mr Tung to quit had not lessened.
- 民怨会不断加剧,并像瘟疫一样蔓延开去。 People's dissatisfaction will continue to accumulate and spread like an epidemic in the community.
- 人蛇集团 people-smuggling syndicate