个人认为楼市今年会继续造好。 Personally, I think property will continue to do well this
year.出汗 perspired说服(北韩)重返谈判桌 persuade it to come back to the negotiating table游说那些组织停火 persuade these groups to agree to a ceasefire珀斯 Perth秘鲁(利马) Peru(Lima)变态 perversion鱼鸡素食者 pesco-pollo-vegetarian菲律宾披索 peso, P农药残留 pesticide residue毒菜 pesticide-tainted/contaminated vegetable渣打银行(香港)行政总裁苏利民 Peter Sullivan, chief executive of Standard Chartered Bank
(Hong Kong)吴光正 Peter Woo Kwong-ching申请破产 petition for bankruptcy/file for bankruptcy代表争取居港权人士向联合国请愿 petition the UN to fight on behalf of the claimants向特首请愿要求他做某事 petitioned the Chief Executive to do something化工厂 petrochemical factory中石油总裁陈耕公布半年业绩,纯利破香港纪录。预料全年业绩亦会创下香港纪录。 PetroChina expects to set a record
net profit for the full year after reporting the highest interim net profit for Hong
Kong-listed companies this year, according to president Chen Geng.市盈率( PE)低于十are trading at less than 10 times price-to-earnings (PE) ratio
酸碱值 pH level香港伤健协会 PHAB Association, HK吞噬细胞 phagocytes吞噬作用 phagocytosis药用农作物 pharmaceutical crops药厂 pharmaceutical firms 语际翻译 版权所有
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