- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 万众电话 Peoples Phone
- 易患癌症的高危人士 pepole at high risk for cancer
- (车子)散布在断桥部分,险象环生 perched precariously on collapsed sections of the bridge
- 完善整个泛珠三角的交通联系 perfecting the transport links within the Pan-PRD
- 二重唱 perform a duet
- 进行同性恋活动 perform homosexual acts
- 做繁重的家庭杂务 perform onerous chores
- 表演场地 performance venues
- 为她进行急救 performed first aid on her
- 和某人口交 performed oral sex on somebody
- 表演及展览场地 performing and exhibition venues
- 围心膜 pericardium
- 外淋巴 perilymph
- 会阴 perineum
- 牙周病 periodontal disease
- 牙周膜 periodontal membrane
- 外周神经系统 peripheral nervous system
- 蠕动 peristalsis
- 发假誓/作假证供 perjury (n); were found guilty of perjury/commit perjury
- 联合国安理会常任理事国 permanent members of the United Nations Security Council
- 永久居民 permanent residents
- 工商及科技局常任秘书长(工商)俞宗怡 Permanent Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology (Commerce and Industry) Miss Denise Yue Chung-yee
- 工商及科技局常任秘书长(信息科技及广播)何宣威 Permanent Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology (Information Technology and Broadcasting) Mr Francis Ho Suen-wai
- 政制事务局常任秘书长麦清雄 Permanent Secretary for Constitutional Affairs (Acting) Mr Clement Mak Ching- Hung
- 经济发展及劳工局常任秘书长(经济发展)李淑仪 Permanent Secretary for Economic Development and Labour (Economic Development) Ms Sandra Lee Suk-yee