- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 李国章提议可把每班学生人数由 40人减少至35人。Professor Li suggested the number of students per class could be cut from about 40 to 35.
- 街上和地铁车厢里有六成人戴口罩。 60 per cent of people are wearing masks on the MTR, on the streets.
- 付 675元复核英文科成绩paid $675 for his English paper to be rechecked
- 七一人民批 71 People Pile
- 百分之七十四的被访者表示打算投票。 74 per cent of respondents said they planned to vote.
- 科学园第一期至今的出租率为 75%. Phase one of the science park has so far leased out 75 per cent of available space.
- 全港共有 787人正进行家居隔离。787 people in the territory were observing home quarantine.
- 只要发展商提出的勾地价达政府订出的市价的 80%或以上,政府将接纳其勾地申请,将地皮推出拍卖。Property developers will only need to bid 80 per cent of the government's reserve price to trigger the auction of a site on the application list.
- 损益表 P & L statement
- 维他命 P Vitamin P/C Complex/Rutin/Hesperidin
- 为二手买家提供首年 P-3.5厘的按揭优惠利率offer second-hand home buyers a mortgage rate at 3.5 percentage points below prime for the first year
- 民企股 p-chips
- 越南太平洋 Pacific Airlines
- 电讯盈科今年首六个月业绩转亏为盈,录得九亿三千五百万元纯利,较预期理想。 Pacific Century Cyberworks returned to the black with a better-than-expected net profit of $935 million in the first six months of the year.
- 盈科拓展集团 Pacific Century Group
- 盈科保险 Pacific Century Insurance
- 太平洋数码卫视 Pacific Digital Media
- 太平洋 Pacific Ocean
- 和平主义者 pacifist
- 安抚 pacify
- 安抚国民惊惶不安的情绪 pacifying the jittery mood of his people
- 每日执书包 pack their school bags each day
- 缴付九十五万元赎金 paid a ransom of $950, 000
- 以破纪录五千五百万元现金保释候讯 paid a record $55 million in bail
- 去年单是付利息就用了二十三亿六千万元 paid a total of $2.36 billion in interest alone last year