家长教育 parent education家长教育 parent education家长教师会 parent-teacher association《亲子时代》杂志 Parentage magazine家长希望子女有某人般的成就。 Parents hope their toddlers will follow in the footsteps of
somebody.家长一般认为英语学校质素较高。 Parents often perceive English-medium schools to be of
higher quality.不受欢迎的人 pariah路边泊车咪表收费 parking meter charges柏金逊症 Parkinson's disease百佳昨日挑起新一轮减价战。 ParknShop turned up the heat in the supermarket price war
yesterday.印尼国会周一以大比数通过向涉嫌贪污的总统瓦希德提出的第二项谴责动议,最高权力机构人民协商会议很可能稍后会提出弹劾动议。 Parliament
voted overwhelmingly on Monday to censure Wahid a second time over two graft scandals,
moving closer to possible impeachment by the supreme People's Consultative Assembly
(MPR)。国会大选 parliamentary elections议会政治 parliamentary politics波斯坟场 Parsee Cemetery沙士部分后遗症已呈现,未来更多后遗症会相继出现。 Part of Sars' economic aftermath has already
appeared, yet we may still experience more as time goes by.人体免疫系统的一部分 part of the body's immune system部分氢化的食油 partially hydrogenated oils(车)微粒过滤器 particulate traps党派的 partisan中共总书记 party general secretary/General Secretary of the Chinese Communist
Party政党领袖 party leaders党员正忙于弥补近日的伤害。 Party members are scrambling to undo some of the more recent
damage.去宴会作乐的人 partygoers及格率 pass rate把上升成本转嫁给消费者 pass the extra costs onto customers 语际翻译 版权所有
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