经济发展及劳工局常任秘书长(劳工)张建宗 Permanent Secretary for Economic Development and
Labour (Labour) Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung教育统筹局常任秘书长罗范椒芬 Permanent Secretary for Education and Manpower Mrs Fanny Law
Fan Chiu-fun财经事务及库务局常任秘书长(财经事务)苗学礼 Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the
Treasury (Financial Services) Mr John Anthony Miller财经事务及库务局常任秘书长(库务)黎年 Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the
Treasury (Treasury) Mr Alan Lai Nin卫生福利及食物局常任秘书长尤曾家丽 Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food Mrs
Carrie Yau Tsang Ka-lai民政事务局常任秘书长李丽娟 Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs Ms Shelley Lee Lai-kuen
房屋及规划地政局常任秘书长(房屋)梁展文 Permanent Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands
(Housing) Mr Leung Chin-man房屋及规划地政局常任秘书长(规划及地政)曾俊华 Permanent Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands
(Planning and Lands) Mr John Tsang Chun-wah保安局常任秘书长汤显明 Permanent Secretary for Security Mr Timothy Tong Hin- Ming公务员事务局常任秘书长王倩仪 Permanent Secretary for the Civil Service Ms Anissa Wong
Sean Yee环境运输及工务局常任秘书长(环境)刘吴惠兰 Permanent Secretary for the Environment, Transport
and Works (Environment) Mrs Rita Lau Ng Wai-lan环境运输及工务局常任秘书长(运输及工务)李承仕 Permanent Secretary for the Environment, Transport
and Works (Transport and Works) Mr Lee Shing-see双氧水 peroxide犯(罪) perpetrate (vt); to perpetrate a crime/fraud/massacre/ violence
perpetrated against women and children犯罪者 perpetrator坚持到底 persevere to the end波斯湾 Persian Gulf人身意外保险 personal accident insurance个人入息货税及物业税 personal assessment and property tax人身攻击 personal attack个人破产申请个案 personal bankruptcy numbers个人资料 personal details私人密码 personal identification number (PIN)私生活 personal life个人网页 personal websites 语际翻译 版权所有
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