- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 面疱 pimples
- 把希望寄予台湾人民身上 pin its hopes on the Taiwanese people
- 将希望寄予某物 pin their hopes on something
- 松果体 pineal body
- 屏山 Ping Shan
- 色情内容 pink content
- 锁定手提电话的位置 pinpoint the location of the mobile phone
- 表示会重点发展物流 pinpointed logistics as a key component in development
- 影像光盘盗版猖獗 pirated CD are rampant
- 影像光盘盗版猖獗 pirated CD are rampant
- 翻版光盘 pirated discs
- 翻版光盘 pirated discs
- 手枪 pistol/handgun
- 为产品做代言人/代言产品 pitching products
- 脑下垂体 pituitary gland
- 横额 placard
- 发射卫星 place a satellite in orbit
- 由单一发展商发展 place it in the hands of a single developer
- 安慰剂 placebo
- 软禁前总统苏哈图 placed former president Suharto under house arrest
- 向投资者配售新股 placed new shares to investors
- 胎盘 placenta
- 抄袭 plagiarize
- 要补充身体流失的水分,最好饮用白开水。 Plain water is the best replenishment of body fluid.
- 便衣人员、便装警察 plain-clothes officers/plainclothes agents