- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 智乐儿童游乐场协会 Playright Children's Playground Association
- 寻求捐肝人士 plead for a liver donor
- 呼吁大型企业和员工分享成果 pleaded for large corporations to share their gains with workers
- 于二月十一日承认六项控罪,控罪指他以公务员身分收受利益 pleaded guilty on February 11 to six counts of accepting an advantage as a public servant
- 承认某罪 pleaded guilty to something
- 承认两项非法性交罪 pleaded guilty to two charges of unlawful sexual intercourse
- 不认罪 pleaded not guilty
- 呼吁基督徒不要报复 pleaded with Christians to avoid seeking vengeance
- 恳求他不要指证自己 pleaded with him not to give evidence against him
- 逝要结束恐怖主义 pledge an end to terrorism
- 承诺会彻查事件 pledged a thorough investigation
- 保证所有学生都有书读 pledged no student would be denied education
- 誓与伊拉克同仇敌忾 pledged solidarity with the Iraqis
- 承诺会支持 pledged their support
- 承诺会多听取公众意见 pledged to listen more to the public
- 全体会议 plenary session
- 胸膜液 pleural fluid
- 傀儡政府 pliant government
- 船湾淡水湖 Plover Cove Reservoir
- 采摘植物 plucked a plant
- 救走一些人 plucked some people
- 堵塞难民入境的缺口 plug the holes through which the flow of refugees pours
- 减少医管局的赤字 plug the Hospital Authority's budget deficit
- 即插即用的 plug-and-play
- 减少财赤 plugging the budget deficit