跌至一万二千多点水平 plunge into 12,000 territory在将军澳一座大厦的十九楼跳下丧生 plunged 19 floors to her death from a Tseung Kwan O
building跌破一万点 plunged below 10,000 points跌破九千点大关,跌至全年最低位 plunged below 9,000 points to a one-year low于中环文华东方酒店堕楼,相信是自杀 plunged to his death from the Mandarin Oriental hotel in
Central in an apparent suicide肺尘埃沉着病(补偿)条例 Pneumoconiosis (Compensation) Ordinance肺炎 pneumonia宝福纪念馆 Po Fook Men Hall宝林 Po Lam保良局 Po Leung Kuk宝莲寺主持释智能 Po Lin Monastery head Sik Chi Wai宝生银行 Po Sang Bank Ltd.蒲台 Po Toi偷猎(动物) poach something偷猎者、非法捕鱼者 poacher袋装书/口袋书 pocket book比加超 Pocket Monsters民生问题/生计问题 pocketbook issue足病治疗医师 podiatrist盾叶鬼臼树脂(抗癌) podophyllin用枪指着某人 point their guns to somebody直接瞄准距离 point-blank range销售点 point-of-sale指出报道中数处失实自撰的地方 pointed out several fabrications in the articles破坏环境、污染环境 poisoning the environment 语际翻译 版权所有
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