政治迫害 political persecution政治压力 political pressure政治犯 political prisoners政治改革/政制改革/政改 political reform政改讨论 political reform debates政治改革可能暂缓,但中国会持续经济开放。 Political reform is likely to remain on hold, but
China's economic liberalization continues.政敌 political rivals/political enemies讽刺政治的作品 political satire政治技巧 political skills政治花枪 political sleight of hand政治立场、政治取向 political stance政治明星 political stars政治冷感和不成熟 politically apathetic and immature导致政治或社会动荡的行动 politically or socially destabilising actions政治敏感的 politically sensitive政治敏感议题 politically sensitive issues把教育议题政治化 politicising education issues投票日 polling day投票站 polling station进行民意调查的人 pollster污染物 pollutant (n/u); emissions of chemical pollutants污染效果 polluting effects污染 pollution (u); control pollution一夫多妻制 polygamy测谎机 polygraph 语际翻译 版权所有
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