- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 薄扶林 Pok Fu Lam
- 薄扶林水塘 Pok Fu Lam Reservoir
- 博爱医院 Pok Oi Hospital
- 讽刺她的外貌 pokes fun at her appearance
- (已故)赤柬领袖波尔布特 Pol Pot
- 波兰(华沙) Poland(Warsaw)
- 政治娱乐 poli-tainment
- 警方和直升机救援队伍于数分钟内赶抵现场。 Police and helicopter rescue crews were at the scene within minutes.
- 李小姐的朋友探旁李时,发现单位传出恶臭,于是报警,由警员破门入屋。 Police broke into the apartment after a visiting friend of Li's reported a strong smell coming from the flat.
- 警察虐打犯人事件 police brutality
- 警车 police car
- 警察膳食组 Police Catering Division
- 警民关系主任 Police Community Relations Officers
- 警察在主要路口指挥交通。 Police directed traffic at main intersections.
- 警犭 police dog
- 警方较早前表示场地最多只可容纳一万人。 Police had earlier said the area could accommodate 10,000 people at most.
- 警方将事件列为虐儿案。 Police have classified the case as child cruelty.
- 发言人表示警方会继续调查。 Police investigations would continue, the spokesman said.
- 警方对某人/某物严密监视 Police kept a watchful eye over somebody/something
- 警员进行逐家逐户调查。 Police mounted door-to-door inquiries.
- 警方谈判专家 police negotiator
- 警方疏散商场内约二百人。 Police ordered about 200 people out of a shopping centre.
- 庭警为救护车开路。 Police outriders cleared the way for the ambulance.
- 警察公共关系科 Police Public Relations Branch
- 警方估计游行人数有数千 police put the crowd at a few thousand