行将退休的行政会议召集人钟士元,昨日对记者的讲话,被示威者的声浪掩盖。 Protestors' chants drowned out comments
to reporters by the outgoing Exco convenor, Dr Chung Sze-yuen, yesterday.证明官商勾结并不存在 prove an absence of collusion with the business sector提供五亿元贷款资助该计划 provide a $500 million loan to fund the project提供一篮子措施 provide a basket of measures扫描指纹 provide a thumb imprint提供援助 provide aid to somebody为有需要人士提供基本生活保障 provide basic protection for those in need更有效保障私隐 provide better privacy protection为珠江三角洲一带的港商提供更佳支持 provide better support services for Hong Kong businesses
in the PRD对负资产人士提供现金援助 provide cash help for those suffering from negative property
assets提供情绪支持 provide emotional support提供利诱以做某事 provide financial incentive to do something为某物提供担保 provide guarantees for something有效预防和治疗某些疾病 provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of
certain diseases提供情报 provide intelligence提供具质素的服务 provide quality services提供空间让青少年尽展所能 provide room for our young people to reach their full
potential为极需照顾的长者提供社区网络和外展服务 provide social networking service and outreaching
services to vulnerable elderly协助女性尽展所长 provide support to help women realise their full potential提供必要的硬件和软件基础设施 provide the necessary hard and soft infrastructure提供免费验眼服务 provides free eye examinations可建楼面面积约九十万平方呎 providing a potential floor area of about 900,000 square
feet???提供一个可靠的安全网 providing a reliable safety net提供辅导服务 providing counselling services提供就业机会 providing employment opportunities 语际翻译 版权所有
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