保护网上知识产权 protect intellectual property rights in cyberspace(美国)保护油源 protect its access to oil捍卫国家的主权 protect our country's sovereignty保障公众健康 protect public health守护边境 protect the borders保障他们的知情权 protect their right of access to information保护他们免受感染 protect them from the risk of infection保护重要基建免受恐怖袭击 protect vital infrastructures from terrorist attacks保护青少年 protect young people保障中共宪法赋予的权利 protecting rights enshrined in China's constitution保护公众免受二手烟影响 protecting the public from the dangers of second-hand cigarette
smoke保护弱势社群 protecting the underprivileged保障工人权益 protecting workers' rights保护费 protection money保保护衣物/保护袍 protective clothing/protective suits反对政府削减大学拨款 protest against a possible cut in Government funding to
universities抗议公务员体制改革 protest against civil service reform抗议立法减薪 protest against legislation to cut their pay在中联办门外示威 protest outside the central government liaison office抗议公司取消年尾花红 protested against plans to scrap year-end bonuses示威者保持冷静。 Protesters kept their cool.警方发射胡椒喷雾,驱散示威者。 Protesters were kept at bay with pepper stray.抗议选举违规事件 protesting about polling irregularities抗议政府在居港权问题上的做法 protesting on the right-of-abode issue驱散在政府总部门外的示威者 protestors were cleared from the Central Government Offices
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