呼吁市民接纳爱滋病患者 promoting acceptance of HIV-Aids sufferers推动创新科技 promoting innovation and technology大规模的宣传活动 promotion blitz推动环保工业 promotion of the environmental industry附送赠品 promotional items引起中央不满 prompted criticism from the mainland地产经纪 property agents地产发展商 property developer地产发展商封小平 Property developer Feng Xiao-ping楼价 property price/housing prices楼价自九八年金融风暴以来已剧跌三分之二。 Property prices have tumbled by two-thirds since the
financial crisis of 1998.楼价来年会升百分之十。 Property prices would climb by about 10 per cent in the coming
year.楼市上升,首十个月约有七万九千宗楼宇成交。 Property sales are booming, with about 79,000
transactions in the first 10 months.楼价暴跌 property slump炒楼 property speculation地产股 property stocks楼宇买卖亦活跃。 Property transactions are also active.先知 prophet鼓吹者、支持者 proponent比例代表制 proportional representation system提出(对梁爱诗)不信任动议 propose a motion of no-confidence拟把卫生署门诊服务外判 propose contracting out its general outpatient clinics to the
private sector提议废除可怕的学能测验 propose the abolition of the dreaded Academic Aptitude Test
提议废除可怕的学能测验 propose the abolition of the dreaded Academic Aptitude Test
计划廿四小时通关 proposed 24-hour opening 语际翻译 版权所有
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