民主派议员 pro-democracy lawmakers民主派议员在会议开始时默哀一分钟,引发保皇派议员集体离场。 Pro-democracy legislators observed a minute's
silence at the beginning of the meeting, sparking a walkout by the pro-government camp.
民主派议员要求范徐丽泰辞去港区全国人大一职,若然她当选立法会主席。 Pro-democracy legislators yesterday
demanded that Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai quit as a deputy to the National People's Congress if
she is re-elected Legco president.预计民主派会是大赢家。 Pro-democracy politicians are expected to be big winners.保皇 pro-Government支持政府的辅助军队的平民义勇兵 pro-government paramilitary civilian volunteer反堕胎人士 pro-lifers/pro-life forces/right-to-lifers(前)港大副校长黄绍伦 pro-vice-chancellor Wong Siu-lun感化院 probation homes感化官 probation officers感化令 probation orders见习警务督察 probationary inspector有问题的家庭 problem families起诉(某人) proceed against somebody; To proceed against sb is to to begin a
legal case against sb./There was not enough evidence to proceed against him.诉讼 proceeding (n); A proceeding is the process of using a court of law to
settle a dispute or to deal with a complaint./Legal proceedings can be enormously
expensive.从事犯罪活动所得的收益 proceeds from criminal ventures拖延 procrastinate (vi)/procrastination (u)生育年龄 procreation age直肠科医师 proctologist最高人民检察院检察长贾春旺 Procurator-General Jia Chunwang以虚假借口促使另一人作非法的性行为 procure another person for an unlawful sexual act by
false pretences促使微软寻求庭外和解 prodding Microsoft into an out-of-court settlement引起不良反应 produced unwelcome reactions专业意见 professional advice专业文凭课程 professional diploma 语际翻译 版权所有
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