总统候选人 presidential candidate总统府秘书长章孝严(已下台) Presidential Office Secretary-General John Chang Hsiao-yen
记者招待会(记招) press conference报业评议会 press council新闻自由 press freedom按平安钟 pressed emergency alarms促请政府减税,减轻纳税人负担 pressed the government to reduce taxes and ease taxpayers'
financial burdens迫切的 pressing压力团体 pressure gropus威逼北韩停止发展核武 pressuring Pyongyang into surrendering its nuclear bomb programs
假装 pretence (n); keep up the pretence of doing sth/under the pretence of
doing sth/make a pretence of doing sth市值租金 prevailing market rent防止再度出现经济过热和投资无度的情况 prevent a return of economic overheating and runaway
investment防止有人遥距引爆炸弹 prevent anyone from remotely detonating bombs防止流血事件 prevent bloodshed预防欺凌事件 prevent bullying防止钙质流失 prevent calcium from leaching out防止胆固醇在血管积聚 prevent cholesterol from accumulating in the vessel wall防止新科技遭滥用 prevent the abuse of the new technology防止贿赂条例 Prevention of Bribery Ordinance防止蛀牙 prevents tooth decay战前伊拉克情报 prewar Iraqi intelligence协议加价 price-fixing市盈率 price/earnings ratio/ P/E ration / price-earning ratio楼价很难升回一九九七年那不合理的最高位。 Prices are unlikely to climb back to the hysterical
levels recorded in 1997. 语际翻译 版权所有
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