职业司机 professional drivers专业团体 professional groups专业水平 professional standards专业水平 professional standards教协主席张文光在周二敦促政府下令全面停课,防止疾病蔓延。 Professional Teachers' Union chairman Cheung
Man-kwong on Tuesday urged the Government to suspend classes at all Hong Kong schools to
contain the spread of the atypical pneumonia virus.专业训练 professional training专业训练 professional training专业精神 professionalism崔琦 Professor Daniel Tsui Chye地产发展收益 profit from its property developments折旧前铁路和相关业务收益 profit from railway and related operations before depreciation
利润管制协议 profit-control agreement牟取不正当利益 profiteer利得税 profits tax对某事深表歉意 profoundly sorry for something病情预测 prognosis节目主持 programme hosts程序语言 programming languages渐进式镜片/渐进镜片 progressive addition lenses/progressive lenses以国家安全理由禁止示威 prohibit demonstrations on grounds of national security禁止体罚儿童 prohibiting corporal punishment of child/ban child corporal
punishment禁止体罚儿童 prohibiting corporal punishment of child/ban child corporal
punishment禁止转让楼花 prohibiting the transfer of unfinished flats防止中国当局夺取香港司法部门对香港案件的司法管豁权 prohibits the Chinese authorities from usurping
the jurisdiction of the Hong Kong judiciary in Hong Kong cases毅进计划 Project Springboard 语际翻译 版权所有
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