- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 反对加价 opposed the fare increase
- 反对人大释法 opposed to Beijing's decision to interpret the Basic Law
- 反对人大释法 opposed to Beijing's decision to interpret the Basic Law
- 反对干细胞研究 opposes stem cell research
- 反对军事镇压学生 opposing military action against the students
- 反对转用广东话(教学) opposing the switch to Cantonese
- 越来越多反对声音。 Opposition is mounting.
- 反对党领袖连战宣告选举无效。 Opposition leader Lien Chan demanded that Saturday's vote be annulled.
- 反对派领袖 opposition leaders
- 反对党 opposition party
- 反对党的支持者拒绝解散总统府外的集会,除非当局承诺就周末的台湾总统选举重新点票。 Opposition supporters on Monday refused to disband protests near the president's office until authorities agree to re-count Taiwan's weekend presidential election.
- 打压反对势力 oppress political opposition
- 暴行 oppressive conduct
- 视觉中心 optic centre
- 视神经 optic nerve
- 光盘/光盘 optical disc
- 光纤通信 optical fiber communication
- 眼镜店、眼镜配镜师 optician
- 选择火化遗体 opting for cremation
- 期权 options
- 验光师 optometrist
- 甲骨文 Oracle
- 甲骨文号称有五十亿元现金在手,每年营业额达九十亿元,对上一季的净收入增长百分之三十一。 Oracle boasts $5 billion cash on hand and $9 billion in annual revenues, and its net income increased 31%in the most recent quarter.
- 口腔 oral cavity
- 口服避孕药/口服避孕丸 oral contraceptives