- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 遵守交通规则 observe traffic laws
- 非常憎恨 obsessive animosity
- 强逼观念及行为 obsessive compulsive disorder
- 妇产科医师 obstetrician
- 妇产科 Obstetrics and gynecology/OB/GYN
- 妨碍司法公正 obstructed justice/perverted the course of justice
- 睡眠窒息症 obstructive sleep apnoea
- 取得黄宏发呼气酒精样本 obtain a sample of Mr Wong's breath
- 考取内地驾驶执照 obtain mainland driving licences
- 就九九年一月终审法院一案寻求人大常委会释法 obtained a Standing Committee reinterpretation of a January 1999 Court of Final Appeal ruling
- 未经许可收受贷款 obtaining unauthorised loans
- (酒店)入住率 occupancy rates
- 职业性失聪(补偿)条例 Occupational Deafness (Compensation) Ordinance
- 职业安全健康局 Occupational Safety and Health Council
- 职业安全及健康条例 Occupational Safety and Health Regulation
- 占领巴勒斯坦大部分领土 occupies most of the Palestinian territories
- 海洋公园鲸豚保护基金 Ocean Park Conservation Foundation
- 八达通卡 Octopus cards
- (巴士)八达通收费机 Octopus machines
- 八达通增值机 Octopus stored-value facilities
- 怪人 oddity
- 共有四百一十三名考生在三月应考英文基准试,其中包括一百四十一名在职教师。三分二考生写作不及格,口试不及格的亦有五成。 Of 413 candidates, including 141 serving teachers, who sat the benchmark test in March, two-thirds failed in the writing assessment and half in the oral part.
- 芸芸自杀方式中,烧炭在香港越来越流行。 Of all the ways to die, charcoal burning seems to be gaining in popularity in Hong Kong.
- 十一名局长中,五名来自非公务员体系,由董建华亲手挑选。另外六名原为决策局局长,现将离开公务员体系成为政治任命官员。 Of the 11 ministers, five are new faces hand-picked by Mr Tung from outside the civil service. The other six are incumbent policy secretaries who will leave the bureaucracy to become political appointees.
- 三十宗新感染个案当中,三人是医护人员。 Of the 30 fresh cases, three were health-care workers.