- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 六十三宗爱滋病病毒感染个案中,三十二人透过异性性接触感染,另外十四人是同性或双性恋者。 Of the 63 HIV infections, 32 were transmitted through heterosexual sex and 14 involved homosexuals or bisexuals.
- 新感染个案中,九人是医护人员,十一人是淘大居民。淘大花园是是次疫潮的重灾区。 Of the newly infected, nine are health-care workers while 11 are residents of Amoy Gardens, the housing estate hard hit by the virus.
- 沽售股票 off-load the shares
- 非繁忙时间 off-peak-hours
- 另类主题 offbeat topics
- 违例者可被判罚款五万元或入狱四年。 Offenders could be fined up to $50,000 or get four years' jail.
- 提供十二个月免费上网服务 offer 12 months of free Internet service
- 带来一丝希望 offer a beacon of hope
- 提供一年保养 offer a one-year warranty
- 辅导他的同学 offer counselling to his fellow pupils
- 捐赠器官 offer organs for transplant
- 提出自愿离职休计划 offer voluntary redundancy packages
- 推出无线上网服务 offer wireless Internet services
- 低调响应 offered a muted response
- 向北京示意和解 offered an olive branch to Beijing
- 不会对叶利钦秋后算帐 offered Yeltsin immunity from prosecution
- (诊所)替人做隆胸手术 offering breast enlargements
- 以超优惠价售卖数百款货品 offering hundreds of items at big reductions
- 提供培训机会 offering them training opportunities
- 邀请四千名员工参加自愿离职计划 offering voluntary redundancy to 4,000 staff
- 提供免息贷款 offers interest-free loans
- 每晚有北韩歌舞表演 offers nightly performances of North Korean songs and dances
- 提供多种学习途径和不同类型的学习模式 offers various channels and different modes of learining
- 提供多种学习途径和不同类型的学习模式 offers various channels and different modes of learining
- 办公室自动化系统 office automation system