- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 依照密宗的建议 on the advice of tantric
- 近乎疯狂 on the cusp of madness
- 领取救济金 on the dole
- 中国大陆是最近九个公布爆发禽流感的国家之一,当局已屠宰超过十万鸡鸭,以防止疾病蔓延/扩散。 On the mainland - among the latest of nine countries to report bird flu outbreaks - more than 100,000 chicken and ducks have been culled as authorities race to contain the spread of the disease.
- 倒闭边缘 on the verge of collapse
- 网上商店 on-line store
- 在职进修 on-the-job training
- 在职进修 on-the-job training
- 从前写过党宣 once wrote propaganda for the Party
- 一旦入职,就永不用担心离职。 Once you get in, you'll never think about leaving.
- 肿瘤专科医师 oncologist
- 肿瘤学 oncology
- 陈吕向路旁的支持者挥手时遇袭。一颗子弹射中吕秀莲的右膝,另一颗擦过陈水扁的肚腩。 One bullet hit the right knee of Ms Lu and another grazed the belly of Mr Chen as they were waving to crowds of supporters lining the road.
- 一枚激光制导导弹未能准确制导。 One laser-guided bomb had gone astray.
- 其中一个最早获得广东省落地权的外国电视台 one of the first foreign broadcasters granted landing rights in Guangdong
- 世上最繁忙的购物区之一 one of the world's busiest shopping districts
- 他向自己的太阳穴开枪,手上仍然拿着自己的配枪。 One shot has been fired into his right temple and his service revolver was still in his hand.
- 「一校一社工」计划‘ One Social Worker for Each Secondary School' programme
- 一胎政策 one-child policy
- (解雇员工时的)一个月代通知金 one-month exgratia payment
- 一次过撇帐 one-off write-off
- 单亲家庭 one-parent families/single-parent families
- 单程机票 one-way ticket
- 经济问题持续,可能会刺激香港的民主派更强烈地要求普选特首。 Ongoing economic problems would likely spur increasingly strident calls by Hong Kong's democracy advocates for a directly elected Chief Executive.
- 洋葱 Onion