- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 油田 oil wells
- (联合国)石油换粮计划 oil-for-food programme
- 石油生产国/产油国 oil-producing countries
- 药膏 ointment/cream
- 旧派官僚依然大权在握 old bureaucracies remain firmly in charge
- 唐楼 old Chinese building
- 老人 old folks
- 从前经常互骂的对手 old sparring partner
- 旧约 Old Testament
- 旧患 old wounds
- 老人津贴 old-age allowance
- 油酸 oleic acid
- 奥运 Olympic
- 阿曼(马斯喀特) Oman(Muscat)
- 申诉专员戴婉莹 Ombudsman Alice Tai Yuen-ying
- 申诉专员公署 Ombudsman, Office of The
- 坐落台北市中心的黄金地段 on a prime piece of downtown Taipei real estate
- 在填海区 on a stretch of reclaimed land
- 参与为期三天的信息科技考察团 on a three-day information technology fact-finding mission
- 正在保释等候上诉 on bail pending appeal
- 值班 on duty
- 上周五,法庭把两名女儿的抚养权判予母亲,儿子的抚养权则判予父亲。 On Friday, a court awarded custody of the two girls to their mother and custody of the boy to his father.
- 乘搭首班直通两国的巴士 on historic cross-border bus ride
- 在人道立场上 on humanitarian grounds
- 一时冲动 on impulse