- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 中国外交部驻港特派专员公署 Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC in the HKSAR
- 香港个人资料私人专员公署 Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
- 电讯管理局 Office of the Telecommunications Authority
- 联合国难民事务高级专员办事处 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- 联合国救灾协调专员办事处 Office of United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator
- 警员在处理家庭暴力事件方面训练不足。 Officers had inadequate training in domestic violence.
- 廉署对警员作出严重指控,却至今仍未有提起刑事诉讼。警方对廉署的办事手法深表关注。 Officers in the force are deeply concerned about the fact that despite serious allegations having been made, no corresponding criminal prosecutions have been instituted to date.
- 中银正式宣布成为人民币在香港的结算行,但消息对股价并无帮助,因为该消息早已被消化。 Official announcements making Bank of China (Hong Kong) the clearing bank for yuan business in Hong Kong for three years failed to lift the stock as the news had long been priced in.
- 官方活动 official functions
- 官方语言 official language
- 法定语文事务署 Official Languages Agency
- 破产管理署署长区敬乐 Official Receiver Mr E T O'Connell
- 破产管理署 Official Receiver's Office
- 政府为免继续入不敷支,考虑开征销售税,不过尚未落实。 Officials have left open the possibility of introducing a sales tax amid fears the Government might continue to spend more than it raises in tax.
- 政府建议实施大学分科收费,根据各科成本来设定学费。 Officials have suggested the fee system be changed so students are charged according to the costs of their course.
- 政府表示,新铁路有助改善空气质素,每年可以减少空气中的微粒六百吨和二氧化碳十六万吨。 Officials say it will help reduce air pollution by 600 tonnes of respirable particles and 160,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year.
- 人民币离岸中心 Offshore Centre for the RMB
- 离岸贸易 offshore trade
- 电讯管理局总监区文浩 Ofta director-general Au Man-ho
- 石油公司 oil companies
- 政府向油公司施压,要求他们减价纾解民困,与市民共度时艰。 Oil companies are being pressed by the Government to cut prices and ease the public's burden in the current economic climate.
- 石油政策 oil policy
- 油价 oil prices
- 油价已超越五十美元一桶。 Oil prices have passed $50 a barrel.
- 油街殡仪厅 Oil Street Funeral Depot