- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 骨质疏松症 osteoporosis
- 不再准许员工无薪加班/做无薪 OT stop people from working longer hours without an overtime bonus
- 其它老年病 other illnesses associated with old age
- 在香港上市的内地公司仍不断受丑闻困扰。 Other new and continuing scandals threaten to envelop Hong Kong-listed mainland companies.
- 其它收入来源 other sources of revenue
- 其它无法控制的因素 other uncontrollable factors
- 中耳炎 otitis medial tympanitis
- 耳鼻喉科 Otolaryngology
- 我们的民主派议员 our democratic councillors
- 我们的选举工程还未完全开动。 Our electioneering machinery is not yet in full swing.
- 香港的根本利益是确保经济发展,以及维持良好的中央与特区关系。 Our fundamental interest is to ensure economic development and also to maintain a sound relationship between the central government and Hong Kong.
- 我们的目标是福音遍存。 Our goal is to reach people with the Gospel.
- 圣母医院 Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital
- 我们最保守估计 our most conservative projection
- 迫走某人出局 oust somebody
- 伸手试探她是否仍有呼吸 out his hand to see if there was any breathing
- 落伍、过时 out of step with the times
- 庭外和解 out-of-court settlement (n); reach an out-of-court settlement
- 外访旅行团 outbound package tour
- 户外广告 outdoor advertisements
- 户外广告板 outdoor advertising hoardings and billboards
- 外勤工作人员 outdoor staff
- 外胸膜 outer pleural membrane
- 外墙 outer walls
- 离岛 outlying island