- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 有机食物/有机食品 organic food
- 发动签名请愿行动 organise a signature petition
- 主办单位声称有超过六万名市民参与游行,超出原本预期的人数十二倍。游行历时四小时,市民由维多利亚公园游行至中区政府合署。 Organisers claimed that more than 60,000 marchers - 12 times more than originally expected - turned out for the four-hour march from Victoria Park to the Central Government Offices.
- 主办单位估计有超过八万人出席,比去年上升三分之二。警方估计高峰期时场馆内共有四万八千人。 Organisers estimated more than 80,000 people turned out - a two-thirds rise on last year. Police put the figure at 48,000 at the peak of the evening.
- 主办单位声称游行人数逾五十万。 Organisers last night claimed the turnout exceeded 500,000.
- 未经许可组织示威 organising demonstrations without permits
- 承办来港旅行团 organising package tours to Hong Kong
- 石油出口国组织 Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC)
- 筹办千人接待会 organized 1,000-guest receptions
- 有机气中毒 organochlorine poisoning
- 器官移植( organ) transplant (n)/(vt); to have a heart transplant/ a transplant operation/patient/ a shortage of suitable kidneys for transplant/Surgeons have successfully transplanted a liver into a four-year-old boy./Patients often reject transplanted organs.
- 性高潮 orgasm
- 促进性高潮的药物 orgasm-promoting drug
- 伪造旅行证件 orged travel documents
- 伪造旅行证件 orged travel documents
- 泰国东方航空 Orient Thai
- 东方日报 Oriental Daily
- 东方报业集团 Oriental Press Group
- 东方新地 Oriental Sunday Magazine
- 原本四位候选人打算平均配票。 Originally, the four politicians had planned to seek an equal share of the vote.
- 孤儿院 orphanage
- 矫正牙科医师 orthodontist
- 整型外科医师 orthopedic surgeon
- 大阪 Osaka
- 拉登 Osama bin Laden