- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 口服药物 oral drugs
- 口交本身也有许多危险。 Oral sex carries plenty of dangers of its own.
- 口腔外科医师 oral surgeon
- 口服补充剂 orally-consumed supplements
- 和黄去年全年盈利共一千一百七十三亿四千万元,大部分收益来自出售英国流动电话公司 Orange的股权。Hutchison made $117.34 billion last year, due mostly to a huge windfall from the sale of its stake in British mobile phone firm Orange.
- 轨道、轨迹 orbit
- 环绕太阳运行 orbit around the sun
- 围绕地球飞行14圈 orbited the earth 14 times
- 果园 orchard
- 苦难的经历 ordeal
- 裁定案件永久终止聆讯 order a permanent stay of proceedings
- 迫令六万名员工停薪留职 order mandatory unpaid leave for 60,000 employees
- 判罚社会服务令 order the defendant to perform community service
- 花了二万五千美元订购移植用的肾脏 ordered a replacement kidney for $25,000
- 下令加强对手提行李的例行检查 ordered more regular checks of carry-on luggage
- 缉捕某人 ordered the arrest of somebody
- 下令焚毁五十万蒲式耳的黄豆 ordered the incineration of 500,000 bushels of soybeans
- 下令回收两款瘦身产品 ordered the recall of two slimming products
- 命令军队镇压学生领导的民主运动 ordered troops to suppress the student-led democracy movement
- 要求干部确保(矿场)严格执行安全措施 ordering cadres to ensure better implementation of safety measures
- 中国平民百姓/中国老百姓 ordinary Chinese
- 普通市民 ordinary citizens
- 普通股 ordinary shares/common stock(AmE)
- 人体器官移植条例 organ donation laws
- 有机农场 organic farms