- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 死亡率 mortality rate
- 对大多数单位而言,供楼比租楼还要便宜。 Mortgage repayments would be less than rents paid for most units.
- 敛房 mortuary/morgue
- 清真寺 mosque
- 蚊香 mosquito coils
- 蚊卵 mosquito eggs
- 蚊帐 mosquito net
- 蚊虫滋生的地方 mosquito-breeding places
- 大部分分析家认为瓦希德会在他二零零四年任期结束前下台。 Most analysts believe Wahid is unlikely to survive politically to the end of his term in 2004.
- 大部分分析员都预期电盈会把全部收益用作偿还债务。 Most analysts had expected PCCW would use the entire proceeds to repay the company's debts.
- 大部分患重病的病人都需要在一年内接受器官移植手术,否则性命堪虞。 Most diagnosed with serious illnesses needed transplant operations within a year otherwise they would die.
- 大部分银行今日起提供九成半按揭。 Most Hong Kong banks will today begin offering 95 per cent mortgages.
- 这里大多数男人都不喜欢戴安全套,这些女孩又不能不接客人。 Most men here don't like wearing condoms, and the girls can't afford to turn away customers.
- 大部分桩柱过短。 Most of the foundation piles were not suck deeply enough.
- 内地大部分移植器官来自死囚。国际社会一直谴责这种做法。 Most organs for transplant on the mainland are harvested from executed prisoners, a practice which has drawn fire from the international community.
- 大部分学生不能在原校升读中六。 Most students were not to get into Form Six in their own schools.
- 最不当的 most unwarranted
- 大部分患者在感染初期没有病征,但仍会把病毒传染他人。 Most victims display no signs of the illness during the early stage of infection but are able to transmit the virus to others.
- 大自然 Mother Nature
- 母亲的抉择 Mother's Choice
- 母婴传染 mother-to-foetus transmission/transmitted from a mother to her unborn child
- 母语教学 mother-tongue teaching
- 母语教学政策 mother-tongue teaching policy/mother-tongue policy
- 辩论 motion debates
- 对特首施政报告致谢动议 Motion of Thanks for the Chief Executive's Policy Address