引起学生学习的兴趣 motivate students' interest in learning引起学生学习的兴趣 motivate students' interest in learning运动区 motor area运动神经元 motor neurone车辆首次登记税 motor vehicle first registration tax驾驶人士/车主 motorist摩星岭 Mount Davis检查十五个油站的芥花籽油 mounted checks yesterday on 15 rapeseed oil stations in Tsuen
Wan口 mouth珠江口 Mouth of Zhu Jiang漱口水 mouthwash延迟退休 move back her retirement date搬屋 move house把后勤运作移至广州 move its back-office operations to Guangzhou把部分业务迁往广州运作 moved part of its operations to Guangzhou将…提交立法会首读 moved the first reading of……莫桑比克海峡 Mozambique Channel莫桑比克/莫三鼻给(马普托) Mozambique(Maputo)阿巴斯被视为温和派人士。 Mr Abbas is regarded as a moderate.布殊的话将引来中国政府强烈反弹。 Mr Bush's comments would trigger a strong reaction from
Beijing.陈智思在立法会投票时通常跟随政府路线。 Mr Chan has typically voted with the Hong Kong
government on legislative matters.越来越多地产发展商促请政府停止向两铁供应土地,并要求两铁延迟开售地产发展项目,以刺激日益消沉的楼市。陈启宗只是其中之一。 Mr Chan's
comments come as an increasing number of developers are urging the government to squeeze
land supply for the two railway firms and postpone sales of their projects in a bid to
boost the slumping property sector.陈水扁表示希望两岸能够尽快恢复对话。 Mr Chen said he hoped cross-strait dialogue could resume
quickly.陈水扁的伤口长十一厘米,深三厘米,要联针十四针。 Mr Chen suffered an 11cm long, 3cm deep wound,
which needed 14 stitches.陈水扁甚至掀起上衣,展示他肚上十一厘米长的枪伤伤口。 Mr Chen went so far as to lift his shirt and
display the 11cm gunshot wound on his stomach. 语际翻译 版权所有
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