- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 程介南没有向立法会申报自己是富亚顾问公司的大股东。 Mr Cheng did not disclosed to the legislature his majority shareholding in Asia Ford Consultants.
- 程介南滥用立法会议员权利,谋取自身利益。 Mr Cheng has taken advantage of being a legislator.
- 程介南位列民建联港岛区竞选名单之首。 Mr Cheng leads the DAB ticket in the Hong Kong Island constituency for next month's poll.
- 何鸿燊在周四公开表示支持曾荫权。 Mr Ho openly expressed his support on Thursday for Mr Tsang.
- 何俊仁表示廿五名民主派议员会引用《立法会(权力及特权)条例》要求政府提交资料。 Mr Ho said the 25 pro-democracy legislators were threatening to invoke special powers under the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance to force the government to disclose the information.
- 洪先生说自自由行于去年七月实施后已来港数次。 Mr Hong said they had visited Hong Kong several times since the individual traveller policy was implemented last July.
- **和其它领导人轮流和代表团成员握手。 Mr Hu and the leaders took turns to shake hands with delegates.
- 邝其志否认他的离职是基于政治压力。 Mr Kwong denied his departure was due to political pressure.
- 黎智英声称亲北京对手多年来设法阻碍他的上市计划。 Mr Lai claims Beijing-backed rivals for years stymied his attempt to list on the stock market.
- 由于刘千石拒绝退出前?,其民主党党席遭冻结一年。 Mr Lau's party membership was suspended almost a year ago after he refused to quit The Frontier.
- 李鹏飞指责俞琤过桥抽板/过河拆桥。 Mr Lee accused Ms Yu of abandoning him after he had helped her.
- 李鹏飞是三位最近声称备受压力而辞职的名嘴之一。 Mr Lee is one of three Hong Kong radio hosts to go off the air in recent weeks after claiming that they were under threat.
- 李先生获准以五千元保释外出,明天再返警署报到。 Mr Lee was released on $5,000 bail and asked to report back to police tomorrow.
- 梁锦松被揭发在大幅增加汽车首次登记税前偷步买车,于三月提出辞职,获董建华挽留。 Mr Leung had offered to resign in March after it was revealed he bought a car before announcing a hefty increase in the vehicle first-registration tax. But Mr Tung refused to accept his resignation and asked him to stay on.
- 梁锦松的职务将由经济发展及劳工局局长叶澍暂代。 Mr Leung's portfolio will be handled temporarily by Secretary for Economic Development and Labour Stephen Ip Shu-kwan.
- 李嘉诚表示不认为社会越来越分化。 Mr Li denied that Hong Kong society was becoming more divided.
- 李国章坚持香港的教育质素不会受影响。 Mr Li insisted the quality of teaching in Hong Kong won't be affected.
- 李嘉诚支持征收销售税,扩阔税基。 Mr Li supported the implementation of a sales tax to help widen the tax base.
- 一般认为李嘉诚的言论针对吴光正。 Mr Li's comments were widely seen as an oblique reference to Mr Woo.
- 连战和宋楚瑜要求和陈水扁见面,但被拒。 Mr Lien and Mr Soong asked for a meeting with Mr Chen, but have been turned down.
- 连战要求政府成立「弹道及医疗」项目小组,调查陈水扁枪击案。 Mr Lien has demanded that the government form a task force with medical and criminal experts to investigate the attack on Chen.
- 连战质疑为何废票达三十三万张之多。 Mr Lien raised questions about more than 330,000 ballots that allegedly were spoiled.
- 连战希望推翻选举结果。 Mr Lien wants to challenge the results.
- 陆先生表示广州的楼价已上升百分之三十,每平方米售价约七、八千元。 Mr Luk said property prices in Guangzhou had risen by 30 per cent, to $7,000 or $8,000 per square metre.
- 马英九可能是台湾政坛里最受欢迎的政治人物。 Mr Ma may be one of the most popular men in Taiwan politics.