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马英九再度邀请董建华访问台湾。    Mr Ma repeated an invitation to Mr Tung to visit Taipei.
马力说两党合并并非为了在特首选举中作造王者。    Mr Ma said the parties had not merged just so they could play kingmaker in the selection of a chief executive.
马英九九九年三月访港时未有获董建华接见。    Mr Ma was not received by Mr Tung during his last visit in March 1999.
马英九九九年三月访港时未有获董建华接见。    Mr Ma was not received by Mr Tung during his last visit in March 1999.
普京把明天和周二定为全国悼念日。    Mr Putin declared tomorrow and Tuesday as days of national mourning.
星期日的大选里,普京得票率近百分之五十三。    Mr Putin won nearly 53 per cent of the vote on Sunday.
苏泽佳预期电盈未来会派息,但不肯断言是甚么时候。    Mr So said PCCW could resume dividend payments in the medium term, but he refused to give a specific time frame.
宋楚瑜发问后,获支持者喝采。    Mr Soong asked, prompting jeers and boos from supporters.
宋楚瑜漠视**意愿,自行参选总统,被开除党藉。    Mr Soong was expelled for running as an independent in the presidential election in defiance of the party's wishes.
宋楚瑜漠视**党愿,以独立身分参选明年三月的总统大选,因而在上月被逐出党。    Mr Soong was formally booted out of the KMT last month for standing as an independent for the election next March against the party's wishes.
司徒华于一九八五年循教育界功能组别加入立法局。    Mr Szeto made his debut in Legco through the education functional constituency in 1985.
田北俊相信自己会受惠于朱幼麟的退选,因为两人都有商界背景。    Mr Tien believed he would benefit from the withdrawal because he and Mr Chu shared a business background.
田北俊声明自由党支持董建华连任。    Mr Tien pledged his party's support for Mr Tung for a second term.
纵使周梁淑怡(在区议会选举中)败下阵来,田北俊依然重申自由党会参与立法会直选。    Mr Tien reaffirmed the Liberal's Party commitment to standing in the Legco direct polls, despite Mrs Chow's defeat.
上月民建联在区议会选举中惨败,曾钰成为此负上责任。    Mr Tsang bore responsibility for the party's disastrous performance in last month's district council elections.
曾荫权最出名的往绩是,他在九八年八月亚洲金融风暴时耗资一千二百亿港元入市干预击退大鳄。    Mr Tsang is perhaps best known for his intervention in the stock market in August 1998 when he spent $120 billion fending off speculators during the Asian financial crisis.
曾荫权会接手董建华的职务。    Mr Tsang would assume Mr Tung's duties.
董建华亦就维多利亚港填海工程询问他们的意见。    Mr Tung also asked their views on the reclamation of Victoria Harbour.
董特首透露叶局长早于六月二十五日已向他请辞。    Mr Tung disclosed that Mrs Ip had submitted her resignation on June 25.
董建华在过去七年对香港贡献良多。    Mr Tung has made a lot of contributions to Hong Kong during the past seven years.
公众常批评董建华漠视民意。    Mr Tung is frequently criticised for not taking public opinion into account.
董建华很担心沙士会重来。    Mr Tung is quite worried about Sars coming back.
董建华带领观众和高官默哀一分钟。    Mr Tung led the audience and his cabinet in one minute of silence.
董建华拒绝评论他的辞职传闻。    Mr Tung refused to comment on rumours surrounding his resignation.
董建华表示不能一下子全面撤消区议会委任制。    Mr Tung said the District Council appointment system cannot be abandoned suddenly.
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